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Welcome to the first of an occasional series of philosophical fiction from the Stand Up Philosophers – This compendium of 5 science fiction and fantasy articles is a light read ideal for bedtime or a few moments escape from the mundanity of real life during your lunch break or when commuting on the bus or train. We also have a nihilist jokes section with setups starting like: What did the Nihilist Protestor have on his T-shirt? or What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back?
Philosophy doesn’t have to be hard work, boring or lacking in entertainment; the vast mindscapes that arise from science fiction and fantasy settings make the genre ideal for philosophical examinations, with that in mind, we hope you enjoy!
About Post Author
Comicus Muo
Comicus Muo loves dualism, Existentialism, Nihilism, Absurdism and a plethora of helpful philosophies from the ancient world such as Stoicism, not to mention a healthy dose of Cynicism. Comicus is also a reasonable theist, atheistic in his thinking but also a Mystic, spiritual rather than religious and keenly aware that it's the Judaeo-Christian heritage of the west and it's enlightenment values that allow him to be this way.