One of the very fair critiques that I often hear from Atheists is that there’s no evidence for the existence of God in the material world, the Epicurean world of Atoms and Void, so they conclude that God doesn’t exist.
All I can say in response to this is ‘keep looking.’ God and meaning might not exist as tangible things in the universe, but they could exist, but we’ll never know if we stop looking. We must keep on looking for God. Is God in the atom, probably not, what about the subatomic particles that make up the atom, probably not! Can God be found in the empty spaces between elementary particles, again probably not, but what about those extra dimensions proposed to us by string theorists? Who knows? But I do know that we’ve got to keep on looking, we’ll never know for sure if we all collectively agree that the question is too hard, and we stop looking.
So, we must be like Albert Camus by understanding that meaning probably doesn’t exist in the universe, and neither is there any material evidence of a God, at least nothing we can understand with our puny ape brains, but we must keep on looking anyway. We must take that negative leap of faith and search for God. Along the way we’ll learn more about the universe and this we can take to be God revealing himself to us in small subtle ways. God is hiding behind wonder, he makes a grand game of discovery for us, and what could be better than that!