In response to an internet comment in which someone derided Generation X as ‘the Lazy Generation.’
I’m a member of Generation X, those people born roughly between 1965 and 1980, the powerless generation forced to live in the shadow of the Baby Boomers and now often described by the young, those Millennials and Zoomers as the ‘lazy generation,’ presumably because we didn’t do enough to put right the wrongs of the world that the Millennials and Zoomers now unwittingly inhabit. I’d like to say that they are right, but they are not, we Generation X’ers simply didn’t have the opportunity to put right any wrongs and that’s because the Baby Boomers are still in power, refusing to retire and give somebody else a chance to make a mess of things.
It’s for this reason that I don’t like intergenerational warfare, all decisions when taken are generally for the best, in the sense that they are taken by people who have the best of intentions. We’re just human beings and cant foresee the long-term results of our actions which is why historical data is so important to politicians, economists, all manner of scientists and thinkers of any calibre.
Each generation not only collectively makes mistakes, but due to the constraints of biology, i.e. the fact that their children come after them, pass on the costs of their decisions not to mention their benefits to the young.
I’m Generation X and I don’t remember being lazy, but I do remember struggling to survive whilst recession after recession swept through our lands like a series of economic plagues throughout the era of mass deindustrialisation. I remember struggling to make ends meet, doing low rent bar work, dish washing and shop work to keep the lights on, sometimes working two or three jobs at a time. I remember being resentful that the best working-class jobs were being sent abroad because foreign workers were cheap and didn’t strike for better pay and conditions, being little better than indentured slaves, all the while the elitist snobs of the previous generation, the much hated Baby Boomers, that ran the government and big media sneered at us by calling us lazy, disorderly, and uncompetitive because we had workers’ rights, health and safety standards and environmental protections designed to keep our ancestral homelands prosperous, safe and clear of contaminates! If we’d only drop these or consider cutting them back all would be well and big business wouldn’t feel the need to go abroad, in the end it was all our fault. Thus, Spake the Abuser!
So, who was it that abused us? That’s easy, it’s the most successful politicians, big businessmen, civil servants and other movers and shakers from the ‘Greatest Generation,’ of War Babies right through to the Baby Boomers, very few of which deliberately set out to make the world a worse place. Like medieval kings swayed by lying and deceitful courtiers they made their worst decisions under the influence of sociopaths and tyrants who only cared about themselves, treating our civic leaders as means and not an end in themselves to paraphrase the great mind of the philosopher Immanuel Kant who said:
“Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end.”
Immanuel Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals
In contrast they also made some very good decisions, their best being things such as the creation of the welfare state and the National Health Service. The fact that there is a small, albeit imperfect safety net for people who hit rock bottom or suffer from illness is an incredible achievement unmatched in history and I say this as someone who hasn’t done very well out of the welfare state. I’ve paid in more taxes and national insurance than I’ve ever taken out and I don’t mind doing this as long as it benefits our collective self-interest as a nation. All that I’m pointing out is that the young and the disenfranchised are naturally enough, quick to condemn the mistakes of their parents and grandparents but take for granted their successes, the things that they got right. The successes of previous generations are self-evident, part of the background hum of reality, and this is something that we must be mindful of, modernity could and most certainly would be a lot worse were it not for the principled and courageous decisions made by good men in times past.
The mistakes of modernity involve banking, high finance, the casino system of the stock markets, the fact that people who tend to ‘bet big,’ ultimately tend to ‘lose big,’ and whenever they do so just demand and get a bailout is where the system went wrong.
The financial collapse of 2008 wiped out the life chances of tens of millions of young people before they were even born and is something that these unborn souls will be paying for until at least 2108! I remember being hopping mad about it at the time, that these arch capitalists, those who would demand that your business be shut down should it fail to honour its commitments demanded and got a bailout when they couldn’t honour their own. These very same people who would turf you out of your home to live in a cardboard box under the nearest railway bridge demanded and got a bailout when their shit hit the fan! This was the day that capitalism died in the West. Whatever we are now, we’re not capitalists, we’re post capitalists. It’s also the day that democracy died.
The Occupy Wall St Movement really scared the shit out of the elites of the financial sector who sensed the righteous public anger of predatory bankers being bailed out with their money in the process that privatised the profits and socialised the losses and began a campaign to fight back. They had the levers of power, they could lean on governments and get their way, they could fund TV stations to broadcast their propaganda, they could convince you to not only to swallow the bitter pill of reality, but to pretend that it was necessary and vital that you do so. The banks should have been allowed to fail. All of their debts would have vanished, car loans, credit cards and mortgages would have ceased to exist. If I owe money to a man who dies, he’s not there to receive it! How then, can I satisfy the loan? To put it simply I can’t.
The death of the banks as opposed to the never ending bailouts and quantitative easing of money would have seen people all over the world instantaneously free of debt and that would have been good for the people, good for the government and good for those not yet born who when they do finally get their spot on this little blue marble that we call Earth will have the unique pleasure of inheriting all of the previous generations bad decisions and debts. The debt, like the Spice Melange in Frank Herbert’s Dune must flow. The world economy depends upon it. Debt is growth, debt is GDP, debt is the future.
It’s like this, if I lend you a £100 and demand that you pay back £110, then, when the loan is satisfied, I’ve made a tenner! I’ve gotten £10 richer, you’ve got £10 poorer. But what happens when I simply create the money out of thin air and give you the £100? The process is the same, but I’ve now made £110 because the only thing that makes the loan valuable is your willingness to pay it! I’ve given you nothing to start with, simply electronic money in a bank account, not even bank notes! Created out of thin air! The money didn’t exist until you asked for it.
This is the state of modern banking, at least within a fiat currency such as the US Dollar and the British Pound, but when the money for the loan is created it’s added to GDP and considered to be economic growth! This is why the whole world is upside down, all of these fiscal rules, are of course, arbitrary and can be changed at any time. Those prominent men of history who have suggested a change to these rules have usually wound-up dead, shot in a theatre and so on! Others simply don’t get the traction to push their ideas because the establishment doesn’t like the thought of people not paying their debts. The Spice must flow, all other things depend upon it, there’s an orthodoxy in the Treasury that economists dare not question. Finance has become a religion, an unchanging dogma that makes a cage for mankind.
The only rational way to fight this is to say no to debt, don’t take out a loan, don’t get a credit card, save your money instead and buy at a discount. Debt makes prisoners of us all, unless of course you are buying an asset that goes up in value but even then, usury should be considered distasteful, the last resort, bankers are amoral and will happily make prostitutes of us all, and that’s because the banking system rewards and encourages sociopathy. The type of people who rise to the top love the thrill of the financial kill, it’s the closest legal thing that they’ll get to an actual murder and coincidentally often leads to death. Sociopaths suffer from a type of existential boredom and love causing chaos, manipulating the truth as they do so because only their emotional life is important to them. Their feelings not your feelings, their success, not your success and their security, not your security.
So if you want to know why the world is upside down, insecure, chaotic and who it is that you should blame for the sins of the present don’t indulge in intergenerational warfare not unless you are prepared to blame the bankers and financiers of ages past, not to mention our current crop of greedy parasites in Wall St and the City of London who deliberately manipulate the information that you have access to in order to make a killing both literally and financially. They were made to feel unsafe and insecure thanks to the Occupy movement and have been lashing out ever since. Under no circumstances must you be allowed anywhere near the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, the push must always be to keep you at or near the bottom where you are not a danger to them.
The Face of the Enemy is hidden by a Mask
This is the enemy, the social justice warriors with their one million genders and their Marxist professors busy destroying educations are just their useful idiots, so are the many millions of migrants that enter our territories each and every year. The breakdown of social cohesion is the plan. Both migrants and Marxists only exist because of the influence of big money, big finance, big government, and big media acting in a coordinated way to keep you confused, alarmed, distressed, and atomised and as such unable to mount any effective opposition to them. You can buy a United States Senator for as little as 10k let’s not forget! If you don’t believe me just google it!
We’re all in this together, whether you are black, white, gay, or straight, we’re just cattle to these people who thoughtlessly milk us whenever they need a few extra quid or whenever a foreign government needs toppling should they decide to sell their oil in Euro’s and not US dollars for example.
The Good Ship Albion.
The ship of nation and state is sinking, overseas debts increasing, productivity dropping, the economic heartbeat of our once proud and mighty nation is slowing, this decline, the result of open borders and an end to protectionism can, we’re assured, only be remedied by the perpetual blood transfusions of mass migration, in which we replace our own vitality with the desperation of the third world, the heaving masses of which have been conned into thinking that there’s a better life here than back home. They might be right, it might be an improvement for them, but it comes at our expense, our ‘living standards,’ which is political speak for ‘wages,’ have dropped and will continue to drop, that’s all part of the globalist plan.
Low wages means that the nation remains ‘competitive,’ to foreign investors, so where nations once competed for territory, prestige, scientific discovery, and innovation, now they compete to become first in a never-ending race to the bottom. This is good for the global corporates, but bad for us ordinary folk and the bankers have never been happier!
Once, we ruled the world, but now, we beg for crumbs! Britain was the first country to industrialise, and we’ll soon achieve another first, that of transitioning from the First World to the third world. ‘Demographics,’ as the political left keep on telling us is destiny, and it’s all our fault, the fault of generation X who should have had more babies. Thus, Spake the abuser, but now we know who the abuser is, it’s the voice of the faceless bankers and financiers that have become so important to government due to the taxes that they pay (there being almost no other industries) that they daren’t say no to them.
Shut Up and Breed!
Babies are expensive to raise, and in a time of decreasing living standards, many pinched families who would have loved to have had more children, but given the choice, had to say no to increased poverty choose not to have them. Should you point that out and place the blame fairly and squarely where it belonged at the feet of the bad decisions of previous generations of political leaders then you’re simply told to ‘shut up and breed,’ by an abusive class of overlords, who consider us, the sovereign people of this ancient polity to be interchangeable with everyone else on this third rock from the Sun!
In the present the chickens are coming home to roost, the people are not interchangeable, the economy only functions in the presence of a culture that can support it, should you change the culture, you change the economy. Just take a look at these third world and middle eastern economic wastelands of zero or even negative growth if you want to see how the future of the UK looks should this deliberately contrived need for mass migration continue.
This once great nation now lies on life support in a globalist hospital gurney being pumped full of cheap migration, the fiscal life support or more correctly the Financial Alzheimer’s’ of the Geneva School World Economic Forum wannabees, those denizens of Davos who tell us to keep it up and we’ll soon recover, and that the nation will once again rise healthy, happy and free, that vitality is just around the corner, that all will be well when we’re just as cheap as anyone else in the third world. This is no longer something that we should accept or indeed even listen to, sociopaths cannot be trusted to tell the truth, because you can never tell when they are lying!
Our idiotic and manipulated leaders don’t seem to grasp the argument that living standards are more important than GDP and should they go that GDP will also rise, should the migration stop, then the patient might recover on their own, the nation might naturally heal and young people born into debt such as the Millennials and Zoomers will be able to live happier lives of material comfort similar to those experienced by their parents and grandparents before them, the type of lives that are merely a pipe dream in the present, thanks to high rents, high prices for houses and just about everything else in between, all of which have been deliberately forced to converge with lower wages by people who hate them because that’s one of the few emotions that they can know, the other is fear and that is why we must make them fear us!
The country is sick, dying in fact.
Nobody tells the dying man that he’s about to expire, the doctors, nurses, and family members all crowd around his bed reassuring him that he’ll be ‘up and about in no time!’ I’m generation X and I wish that somebody would pull the plug!