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‘By their fruits you shall know is a phrase,’ in the bible that gets truer every day.


In this post pandemic world, it’s pretty easy to come to the conclusion that the covid lockdowns were kind of test, but a test of what exactly?  We know for example that data was gathered by all sorts of different people watching changes to populations.  Whether good natured or not, the exercise in mask wearing was a visible sign of compliance pushed out through the populace that psychologically policed the rest of the population into good behaviour as indeed were the vaccinations, the untervax and the booster race.  It was a huge open air multi-disciplinary experiment, a converging nexus of psychology, authoritarianism, media manipulation and economics.


It’s been reported, there’s lots of different sources for this by the way, that emissions dropped by 6.5% to 8% during covid – coincidentally that’s close to the 7.5% reduction that we keep on being told by the green lobby as is required to prevent catastrophic global warming. Indeed, during the early days of lockdown it was reported that manmade C02 emissions had dropped by 8% although in the interests of fairness it worth pointing out that those figures have been revised down in the years since.  Nevertheless, the results aren’t in! Let me repeat that, they aren’t in.  I can’t see any evidence anywhere that this huge reduction in global social and economic activity has slowed down the progress of this invisible bogeyman, namely manmade climate change.  Like Prometheus this ideology keeps on changing shape from the coming ice age of the 1970’s the global warming of the late 80’s and 90’s through to climate change of modernity.  There’s always been people willing to believe that the world is coming to an end.  It’s a common feature of many saviour religions, a prevalent part of our Judeo-Christian heritage.  One day, the world as you know it will simply stop!  Then you’ll be judged by God and if you are one of the select view, one of those people who has lived a virtuous life, then you get to enter heaven where you’ll experience eternal bliss.  What is heaven but a perpetually safe world?  There’s no risk, there’s no danger, only limitless experience of nice things, interesting things, exciting things, but for all of this I can’t help but think that this would eventually become so boring that we’d have to break it and endure yet another fall from grace.


You see, it’s only in this world, this hellscape that we live in, the 10th circle of Hell as it’s popularly imagined these days that true adventure is possible, adventure is only possible when you put your neck on the line whenever you are willing to experience a loss in the pursuit of reward.  It might all go horribly wrong, but that’s where the thrill comes from.  Our elitists are busy creating their vision of heaven on earth, a riskless future of hedonistic delights that eventually whether they like it or not we’re going to have to break in order to live authentically.


The environment is always changing, every spot on earth is experiencing a different climate today than it did 100,000 years ago and this is largely driven by the Sun, the vast engine of the solar system that gets marginally hotter every single year.  Global warming has even been reported on Mars for instance!  Climate change is a slippery science, that can never be proven wrong, the climate is always changing, the study of geology is the proof.  Nevertheless, this huge drop in manmade C02 and other greenhouse emissions should have slowed down the progress of the manmade part of this climate change, even if just a little bit, but nobody has reported on this, as far as I can tell, not one single soul has made the rational claim that lockdown affected the planet’s climate change for the better, not one!  Nobody has claimed that global warming has slowed down just a smidgin due to covid lockdowns although theoretically it should have.


Climate change or the global climate emergency as it’s often referred to by our elites is the de-facto religion of the globalists.  It has its own metaphysic, i.e. that one day the world will be a better place if we willingly choose to suffer now.  This makes the green future a lot like heaven, in that it is attainable only by belief.  This perfect future world of the green economy that works for everyone (especially the rich) is pushed into the future and is no different in principle to any other form of afterlife.  Like good Christians the globalists would rather that we just accept our lot in life and endure our present-day suffering with good manners and gratitude to them, the priests of climate change, because collectively we will make the future better, but like all good priesthoods they get to live the best lives, sheltered behind the thick walls of their temples, living of the backs of the citizenry in splendour and opulence.


What’s really behind this?


Well, there’s a Malthusian ethic in which the elites believe that there’s too many people, that the planet is overburdened and as such we’re shitting our own nest.  This brings with it an unhealthy dose of anti-natalism in which children are seen as burdensome, unnecessary and a hindrance to the really important stuff in life which of course is your career.  The globalist fantasy is one in which women ignore their biology and sacrifice their entire lives on the altar of profits.  The purpose of your existence is to make the master’s rich.  If you’ll only make them richer then everything will be fine, and if you’re really lucky they’ll give you a little bit back.  It’s your wealth that’s being stolen in this con trick, but not to worry, that’s the world this priestly class of egocentric economists have created for themselves.  It’s their world, we just happen to live in it.


Debt & Depopulation as the reason for Mass Immigration.


The globalists take the view that you don’t need to make more people at home, you can import them fully grown from other lands.  Children represents costs to the system, they need maternity wards, childcare facilities, schools, and educators, most of which is paid for by the state at huge expense.  Like all good businessmen they’d rather not have the expense, they are busy min-maxing the company and the countries balance sheets, getting rid of expenses and maximising profits for all so that our indebted nations can pay off the overseas debts that they are struggling with.  Meanwhile they’ll fine you into compliance with the state and their many private/public partnerships dipping into your Central Bank Digital Currency instantly as judge, jury and executioner and without right to appeal.  Your money, such as it is, will be plucked from you like fruit from the trees and you’ll never get it back, you are to these people, these monsters of sublime evil, nothing more than a farmable resource.  This is why we must watch these people like hawks, resist their demands, say no to the future that they are creating, because unless you are a billionaire or one of their hangers on, it’s not a future worth living in.  Their digital heaven will be your digital hell.  You will know them by their fruits.



15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.


Matthew 7

About Post Author

Comicus Muo

Comicus Muo loves dualism, Existentialism, Nihilism, Absurdism and a plethora of helpful philosophies from the ancient world such as Stoicism, not to mention a healthy dose of Cynicism. Comicus is also a reasonable theist, atheistic in his thinking but also a Mystic, spiritual rather than religious and keenly aware that it's the Judaeo-Christian heritage of the west and it's enlightenment values that allow him to be this way.
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