I’ve been thinking for quite a while now, as to what it is that I don’t like about the ever-increasing amount of digital surveillance that we’re witnessing. It’s appearing everywhere around us; we’re watched on all sides by cameras, smartphones, internet snoopers and so on, all with the blessing of our government.
Should you decide to challenge this, to call this out so to speak, you’ll often hear the words ‘if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear!’ As far as I am concerned, this is one of the most evil phrases in history, it’s right up there with ‘Kill them [all], The Lord knows those that are his own,’ as spoken by the military commander of the Albigensian Crusade. It’s right up there with ‘Work sets you free,’ proclaimed in steel lettering over the gates at Auschwitz. It’s right up there with ‘One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic’ famously said by Josef Stalin, so I hope you understand my strength of feeling on this.
‘Kill them [all], The Lord knows those that are his own,’
Papal Legate and Cistercian Abbot Arnaud Amalric – prior to the massacre at Beziers
There are times in life when we all know that we’re confronting evil, but don’t know why it’s evil, there’s something that we can’t quite put our finger on and as such are often disarmed before it. This is how many evils spread, they are allowed to go unchallenged because we don’t have the words nor reasoning to rebuff them at source. We know that we’re being conned, that a lie is being presented as true reality, that something serpentine is lurking in the shadows and because we can’t see it completely, we have no choice but to let it slip on by. Our perception is lacking, and this is something that we have to change if we are to win the fight for our freedoms. We need to understand both ourselves and those who would inflict evil upon us because they deem it to be good if we are to win.
I want to take you back a few years to those disastrous sets of predictions made by the World Economic Forum, ‘It’s 2030 and you have no privacy, but have never been happier etc.’
It’s not the fact that nobody has ever voted for more surveillance or the fact that the government doesn’t have very real concerns about terrorism, anti-social behaviour, and general criminality, that concerns me, or the grudging realisation that mass surveillance very clearly shows that the government has become fearful of its people but it’s something else, something that I found difficult to put my finger on and it’s this. It’s the incestuous relationship between big business and government that together willingly create a system designed to entrap you. Sooner or later, you will fail one of their ‘sniff tests,’ and a fine will be issued, for example accidental littering. It’s not much of a concern now, an official has to catch you in the act, but come 2030, that year always mentioned by the globalists I predict something different, something that I’m seeing the budding development of right now in the present and that’s eco-crimes and eco-fines.
You may fumble for your car keys in the dark and in doing so dislodge a sweet wrapper that had been knocking around in your pocket. The infra-red, military grade camera sees as clearly as a cat’s eye in the dark and the AI connected to it will trace its origin back through those split seconds of time to you, citizen number 12795541-Alpha, simultaneously issuing a fine, instantly deducting it from your central bank digital currency before the aforementioned wrapper so much as touches the pavement you walk upon. In the time that it takes to float through the air to the ground below, an electronic mind with an unfaltering gaze will act as judge, jury, and executioner. You won’t even know about it until you next check your balance, or a notification comes through on your phone and then you’ll be bemused, baffled, angry and annoyed at this injustice, perpetuated on you by the state for no other reason than it covets your money! It’s 2030, you have no privacy and have never been more fleeced, rinsed and taxed by public-private partnerships, all of which have the morality of spiders and that’s being insulting to the spiders, still according to the WEF, you’ve never been happier!
The government is presently broke, saddled with massive amounts of overseas debt, they can’t put taxes up further because the people will demand that they are reduced or find clever ways of avoiding them, but no human being can escape the perfect system designed to entrap them, constantly watching, and waiting for the most human thing of all, a simple mistake.
The Electronic Kill box.
Consider this, it’s late at night, you are driving home, you see blue flashing lights behind you, and you pull over before a police officer comes up to the car and asks you, a very leading question, ‘do you know what you did wrong?’ You rather sheepishly reply ‘no officer, I’m sorry, I haven’t a clue.’ He then proceeds to inform you that you were slightly over the speed limit. You apologise and instead of booking you, he sends you on his way, advising you to watch your speed and not to let him catch you again, because next time, he’ll throw the book at you. The professional term for this is ‘discretion,’ human police officers despite the bad publicity that they tend to get on social media don’t tend to go out of their way to be a pain in the arse or book people when they feel that it isn’t warranted. They’d rather spend their time dealing with serious crime instead of petty stuff and often choose to turn a blind eye to simple mistakes, such as you forgetting to indicate when turning right because you’re lost and studying the road signs or perhaps, you’re cycling down a busy road and mount a pavement for safety!
It’s possible for the average man to walk the streets of his hometown breaking the law in very minor, thoughtless ways throughout the day, things that don’t even seem criminal to him, but an AI watching the world through countless camera lenses wouldn’t care for this. It wouldn’t have discretion; you will be fined and that is what the system is designed to do. It cares nothing for your freedoms, nothing for your rights, nothing for your safety, it only cares about your money and how efficiently it can get it!
It’s 2030, you’re a cash cow and you’ve never been happier!
When times are tough, big business always cosies up to big government in order to acquire some of that taxpayer money to keep on going. What’s special about the present moment in time is that both big business and big government need money and can only get it from one place, and that’s your wallet.
You’ll get an email of course, and a rigged appeal process, but it’s too late, the money has already been taken, and should you have need of it to feed your kids, well tough shit, there’s a food bank around the corner. You’d better go and see if you can scrounge something there. If you don’t have any money, then you’ll be overdrawn and made the instant victim of lecherous banks, that for reasons I can’t quite work out, are the first people to get your pay-packet. You earn your money, you get paid, it’s put in a bank before you even see it. This might be convenient but doesn’t change the fact that they get it first! What happened to the good old days of cash pay-packets, weekly pay with a payslip and a bundle of twenty-pound notes? Control has been taken from you and given to those that hate you, waiting in the shadows like hungry vampires for you to slip up, and slip up you will. It’s only a matter of time. It’s a machine state with a million eyes and ears and you are just a human being. The digital cage is complete.
Only a fool thinks that the government, the United Nations, the super-rich and the World Economic Forum actually care about the environment, not with their thousands of private jets and enormous yachts anchored of the coast each year when their annual event takes place in the Swiss mountain town of Davos. They care about your money though; and spend day and night in the boardroom working out how they can charge you for the things in life that you presently get for free. These odious souls are the type of people who would charge you for the sunrise if they could, and before long they probably will. They’ll dress it up as something else, an environmental tax to put things right perhaps, but these people can’t manage the economy, can’t protect the borders, can’t fix the potholes in the street, can’t maintain a healthy military, they can’t make the trains run on time or even deliver a reliable bus service, or even so much as clean the drains. This burgeoning state of public-private partnerships, quango’s, NGO’s and lobbyists strains against Victorian infrastructure, now overburdened and under invested in, but if you give them your money, they promise they will fix the sky!
I used to think that this was incompetence but now I think it’s malicious. The system is ‘broken,’ by design in order to demoralise the population, keep them weak and most importantly keep the public’s attention away from the rulers who fear the wrath of the public. They fear the pitchforks and the fact that the mob might come for their stuff and that is what the global project is all about. The Geneva school economists of the World Economic Forum and their ilk see the entire world as a single economy and seek to insulate it from democracy, so that the rich man in his castle can go to bed at night safe in the knowledge that should the worst happen, and a upheaval occur in a faraway land, where he owns a factory or two, then international law will demand fair recompense for him, treaties signed by the last government will guarantee that compensation will cross borders invisibly in the night, deeds will be exchanged at the flick of a button and he will not suffer as a result of the revolution. He can wake from his slumber and enjoy his morning coffee in the full and frank understanding that his wealth has not been diminished by an act of parliament, a popular vote, a people’s revolution, or the collapse of an economy. Should of course this not be the case then the international community will retaliate with sanctions, tariffs, and blockades to starve the populace into submission and collapse the government in the process. That’s what the globalist project is all about! It’s about protecting their property and money from being redistributed without their permission. Birds of a feather not only flock together but look after each other’s interests too.
Personally, I can understand this desire and even forgive it, but not when it demands that we give up our liberty in order so that they can feel safe. That our democracy is diminished with popularism being decried as ‘far right,’ which is code for ‘working class.’ The result being the criminalising of the citizenry for political purposes. Globalisation can go too far and we’ve reached that tipping point, the super-rich billionaires of rootless cosmopolitans shouldn’t be allowed to form a new aristocracy with technology used to surveil, intimidate, and harass the population in response to a rising Gini-coefficient that makes the elitists worried about their stuff and at the same time signal an excellent opportunity for both private and public money, both of which are terms for your money!
Jordan B Peterson refers to them as a parasitic elite and I think he’s right, they offer nothing of value whilst they feed of the host. If left to it, they’ll eventually kill the host, which is why we must act in the present, to diminish their influence and destroy their credibility.
The late Tony Benn, once said:
“In the course of my life I have developed five little democratic questions. If one meets a powerful person–Adolf Hitler, Joe Stalin or Bill Gates–ask them five questions: “What power have you got? Where did you get it from? In whose interests do you exercise it? To whom are you accountable? And how can we get rid of you?” If you cannot get rid of the people who govern you, you do not live in a democratic system.”
So, we must demand of our elitists, these would be world controllers of international bodies and organisations whether the WHO, the WEF or any of the billionaire funded NGO’s out there, all of which think that they are doing ‘the Lord’s work,’ because very rich men like their efforts and use their money to amplify their labours, we must ask them ‘How do we get rid of you?’ That’s our first question, because we know what power they have, and we know where they got it from and in whose interests, they exercise it, and we certainly know to whom they are accountable. We already know, so let’s ask the only question that has any bite from the quotation above, and that’s ‘how do we get rid of you?’
The same applies to clean air zones, ULEZ expansions, low traffic neighbourhoods, fifteen-minute cities and all of the other impositions of globalist values that come our way every single day. ‘How do we get rid of you? How do we get rid of your parasitic business/taxation model and how do we get rid of your unwanted spying? How dare you intrude into our lives, lives that you cannot possibly hope to understand, you don’t know what is good or bad, you have no conception of virtue or vice because you’ve falsely conflated it with profit and loss. The fact that cameras watching the populace makes you feel safe is not my concern because that safety has been bought by my insecurity.’
And here lies the rub, whenever you ask one of these parasites why the cameras are being erected, they often say that it’s protecting something or other, it’s protecting the environment, it’s protecting the streets from disturbance, it’s for law and order and so on. Yet it’s plain to see that this is patently false. You can pollute as much as you like if you pay the fee, if you drop litter, you get fined, if you’re involved in a demonstration then you get face scanned by the AI that knows who you are and where you live, quietly adding your data to a list of dissidents antagonistic to the state, as an added bonus they also know who you associate with, all paid for by a system of fines and tariffs. This is taxation in disguise. This military grade technology serves only one purpose and that is to build a digital cage for you that makes our cowardly elitists feel safe at your expense.
It’s 2030 and you will pay for your imprisonment!
The cash strapped state now up to the hilt with overseas debts, the results of bailing out banks and costly furlough schemes wants the infrastructure but can’t afford it, so who do they turn to? It’s the private sector that’s who, they jointly fund it and share the proceeds and that’s yet another reason why you should hate the surveillance state and the rapidly emerging surveillance industrial complex, an outgrowth of the Intelligence and Military industrial complex now trained at the civilian population of lands that were once free. It’s 2030 and you are watched night and day by a state that hates you because it fears you and polices you into compliance by emptying your wallet and you have never been angrier!