The one thing that I’ve noticed a lot lately, is the vapidness of TV advertising, I get it, it’s Christmas and advertising is by its very nature supposed to sell you a fantasy, that is in some way or another aspirational, but what we’re witnessing is not the fantasy of the masses but the fantasy of the elites.
Every household is multi racial, everybody appears happy, the epitome of the nice little consumers that they want us to be. Contrast that with how advertising used to be, when it was still aspirational but didn’t sell us an unobtainable lie.
When I was a young man I worked for a large department store, a bit like Grace Brothers in ‘Are You Being Served?’ I enjoyed the work, but predictably enough for the times, it didn’t pay very well, this was before the era of the national minimum wage, it was a time when employers could pay whatever they liked and wages were kept low by a reserve pool of unemployed men, mostly those laid off from the collapse of heavy industry in the UK and having no other asset than their muscle power were now unable to find work. The real-life skills that we’ve lost in the years in between boggle the mind, now we have to import men who can build because we’ve allowed our own working men, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, bricklayers, engineers and fitters to wither on the vine, but I digress.
One day a company pamphlet came by, and we all had a look at it, the firm was releasing it’s own credit card and showed us a nice glossy leaflet telling us all about it so that we in turn could recommend it to the customers. Amongst this marketing material was a picture of a late twenties, early thirties young woman, with white skin, blue eyes, and dark brown hair. She was smartly dressed, coincidentally her whole wardrobe came from our chain of stores and she didn’t have children but did want them in the near future.
In those days the marketeers of our fine company chose their ideal customer, described her in the very finest of details, from her age, income bracket, education level, and much, much more. The more accurately they could describe her, the more they understood her, and the more able they were to compete for her business. The assumption being that of course that there really were people out there like that, people who filled that niche. Many years later when I started my own business, I recognised the pattern when marketeers hired by the company would ask me to describe my ideal customer in as much and as excruciating detail as possible, if you understand your customer base then it will be easier to appeal to them, the end result being of course that you’d get their money. I remembered that leaflet.
Now many years on again I’m no longer self-employed, but semi-retired, the world of business was too cutthroat and morally bankrupt for me. My kindness to my clients in the marketplace was in fact a massive disadvantage to me and my company. Other firms, less kind and much more willing to be ruthless, regardless of the human cost outcompeted me. All I ever wanted to do was to be nice to people and give them something good in exchange for their money. It wasn’t much to ask, but once again I digress.
I’ve noticed in recent years that the advertising has changed, it’s no longer about defining real customers that might exist and tempting them to buy your produce, but instead it’s about defining unreal customers, people that don’t exist, but are nevertheless held up as role models to the rest of us, a guide to how we should be and how we should live our lives. That’s why every tv family is multicultural, a black father, white mother, two kids, one male, one female, one Asiatic and the other Oriental despite the fact that there are very few families like that! Meanwhile ethnic minorities drawn from other religious traditions that have no real-life interest in Christmas are seen on TV celebrating our traditions that previously were regarded as worthless by our elites but now that they are in season are suddenly found to be meaningful again by our corporate overlords who act as if they are the Gold People of Plato’s Republic whenever there’s money involved. Out of season though, our traditions, culture, social mores and way of life becomes worthless to our media elites who are busy pushing this corporate fantasy of forced diversity in which everyone looks different but nevertheless thinks the same, presumably to get the ESG ratings up and gain access to the additional money that is sloshing around the financial system in such excess because it never seems to reach the places where it is most needed, that being on the streets of your home town.
Like all good philosophers I detest any forced or fake realities, I hate the absence of truth, the pursuit of truth at all costs is what made our civilisation great to begin with, it’s one of the foundational pillars of the west and that is being thrown away, night after night, before our very eyes on TV and within our media. This I believe is contributing greatly to our decline. So, in order to win the culture wars, we must embrace truth where we see it and reward businesses that don’t lie to us of push a fake reality that is a vapid bubble of fantasy filled with catwalk models, superficial in appearance, empty headed with their vacant stares blissfully non-sentient behind the eyes as they sell perfume or aftershave and neither do we reward the United Nations delegates that sit around every TV dinner table in the guise of husband, wife, number one child, number two child and so on. Their corporate and government fantasy is at odds with our way of life and is an attack on it. So, in order to preserve our way of life we must make sure that their marketing fails by only spending money with those that show us some respect. Those that have taken the time to accurately define us as their ideal customers and as such reflect us, our values, and our traditions in their advertising.
Our ancestors, all working class made this country great, and made it a good place to do business. Let’s keep it that way, let’s not sell it out for a fantasy conjured into existence by those that hate us.