Does God Exist?
The thing about reading a lot of Nietzsche is that he regularly and without fail drops a truth bomb on you of epic proportions, the type of thing that will Continue Reading
A celebration of the Good Life, High Art, Human Excellence and Culture
The thing about reading a lot of Nietzsche is that he regularly and without fail drops a truth bomb on you of epic proportions, the type of thing that will Continue Reading
Nietzsche would no doubt consider me to be a weak man, a member of ‘the herd,’ because of my reluctance to cause harm, even to my enemies. Instead, I outsource Continue Reading
Yes, I’m aware that Jordan B Peterson has a chapter with the same or a similar title, I’ve got the book 12 Rules for Life, and I must admit that Continue Reading
In order to answer that question, we’d best take a look at the revolutionary work, ideas and metaphysics of the Swiss Psychiatrist and father of analytical psychology Carl Gustav Jung. Continue Reading
One of the very fair critiques that I often hear from Atheists is that there’s no evidence for the existence of God in the material world, the Epicurean world Continue Reading
One of the very fair critiques that I often hear from Atheists is that there’s no evidence for the existence of God in the material world, the Epicurean world of Continue Reading
Full disclosure, I’m not an Atheist, I did dabble with Atheism once when I was a young adolescent, but the devastating beauty of the world and its inherent perfection overwhelmed Continue Reading
Philosophy and religion are distinct disciplines, yet they often intersect and share common themes leading many thinkers to wonder where philosophy ends and religion begins, in other words what are Continue Reading
I’ve been watching with interest over the last several years the elite’s attempts at creating a thinking machine, an artificial general intelligence and whilst most people raised on the Terminator Continue Reading
What is a transcendent ideal? A transcendent ideal refers to a concept, value, or principle that is regarded as universally valid or existing beyond the limits of human experience Continue Reading
The fear of the lord. What is it to fear the Lord, why are we commanded to fear the Lord, what exactly is meant by the word fear? Should Continue Reading
I often state in my work that in a higher dimension we’re all one being. The nature of that one being is of course the Godhead, the divine spark, the Continue Reading
Introduction The concept of God is complex and multi-dimensional, leaving ample room for interpretation. In human history, diverse civilizations, religious groups, and individual seekers have attempted to grasp the elusive Continue Reading
So, let’s imagine we’re sitting beside a roaring fire or overlooking a tranquil lake, and let me take you on a journey through the ineffable landscapes of mysticism and gnosis. Continue Reading
Gnosticism, an ancient and multifaceted religious and philosophical movement, has always been cloaked in mystery. Among its many intriguing aspects is the figure of Sophia, a Gnostic goddess who plays Continue Reading
There is only one being in the universe, and you are a part of it. You are interconnected with the great totality of all things, which is the Universe. You Continue Reading
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues Continue Reading
Neoplatonism is a philosophical and religious movement that emerged in the 3rd century AD and was heavily influenced by the philosophy of Plato. It sought to reconcile the ideas of Continue Reading