Cash is King! Why You Should Ditch Digital Money for Good
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The world is going crazy, the divide between the politicians and the people has never been greater.  Our elected representatives spend all their time preaching their luxury beliefs, signaling to one another that they are the right kinds of people, that they are not part of the masses, that they stand above the plebs and as such are suitable for high office!

Meanwhile celebrities are busy doing the same thing, publicly stating all the right things in their social media outpourings, the more the public are annoyed, made angry or pushed to outrage the better or so it would seem.  Once again, they are keen to show the world that they are not the same as us and are in fact poles apart from the mob, and as such suitable for a part in the next big blockbuster.

Corrupt, festering politicians and Hollywood royalty both embody luxury beliefs that do not sit well with the rest of us, but they don’t care, all they care about is their public image, carefully crafted to show that they are a member of the nobility, a modern-day aristocrat who delights in sneering at us plebs.   What they’ve forgotten however is that both politicians and media figures depend upon us for their power, their money and their influence, so we should start by attacking them where they are most vulnerable, in the bank balance.


The boycotts are working.

Anheuser-Busch and Target have recently found out to their cost what happens when they annoy the peasants, in an ideal world their stock would go straight to zero and those companies be forced to close for the abuses that they’ve visited upon the world, let’s keep the pressure up and remind them where the power really does lie and then turn our attention to other ways to keep money out of governmental and corporate hands.  I’m not suggesting that you cheat your taxes, don’t break any laws, a good life can’t be had in Prison!  Instead, we can build something good that the elites don’t understand and freeze them out of it, by doing favors for friends we build our communities and foster healthy relationships.  Helping friends without expecting payment in return promotes a sense of interconnectedness and eliminates feelings of isolation that can arise in a society driven by individualism and technological advancements.

When you willingly help a friend with tasks like putting up a shelf, fixing a car, or debugging a computer, you are not only showcasing your unique skills and abilities but also strengthening the social fabric of your tribe or social circle. By engaging in acts of goodwill, you enhance your status as a person who is reliable and useful within your community.

In return you may ask for a favor in the future when you need help with something specific. This reciprocal exchange further reinforces the bonds of friendship and reinforces the idea that everyone possesses valuable skills and abilities. By asking for assistance, you acknowledge and dignify the value and worth of the person you are requesting help from. This, in turn, boosts their self-esteem and reminds them of their place within the social fabric.

Engaging in these acts of kindness and relying on each other for support not only creates a network of trust but also contributes to individual well-being. Helping others and being part of a supportive community can alleviate feelings of melancholia, depression, and self-pity. Human beings, even those who are introverted, have a fundamental need for companionship and connection. By providing and receiving assistance, people can find comfort and fulfillment in their interactions.

Ultimately, the suggestion of doing favors for friends in a cashless society promotes a sense of communal interdependence. It recognizes the value and uniqueness of everyone’s skills and fosters a supportive environment where people can rely on each other. By engaging in these exchanges without monetary transactions, it highlights the significance of personal connections and the tangible benefits of contributing to the well-being of others.

The narcissists, sociopaths and social climbers of the New World Order don’t understand this, and won’t be able to measure it on their spreadsheets and then go on to spoil it because no money ever changes hands, meaning that they can’t profit from it, tax it or siphon it off into their own personal wealth.  Should they try, we must condemn them, publicly shaming them for their attempts.  How dare they try to corrupt something good!  This good belongs to the people and not to them.  They want to be seen as separate to us, a cut above, then fine, by all means, but in return they won’t get any help from us, we won’t vote for them or pay any amount of money to watch any of their god-damn movies, buy any of their insulting and stupid products or listen to any of their inane songs…

About Post Author

Comicus Muo

Comicus Muo loves dualism, Existentialism, Nihilism, Absurdism and a plethora of helpful philosophies from the ancient world such as Stoicism, not to mention a healthy dose of Cynicism. Comicus is also a reasonable theist, atheistic in his thinking but also a Mystic, spiritual rather than religious and keenly aware that it's the Judaeo-Christian heritage of the west and it's enlightenment values that allow him to be this way.
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