Seriously always use cash, ask the shop keeper if there’s a discount for cash, if you are a shop keeper give a discount for cash at least equivalent to the cost of processing the payment through a credit card network or fees for debit card usage. You can always make room for cash, thus maintaining demand within the economy for coins and notes. A debit card is not cash and neither is the soon to be introduced Central Bank Digital Currency, which as previously mentioned is a government-controlled equivalent to Bitcoin, beloved of former UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak that the treasuries of the West are secretly hoping will bail them out of their mounting debt obligations. We must refuse to use programmable money, a modern form of corporate scrip that you will be prevented from using, should you be considered hostile to the powers that be if you’ve said the wrong thing on Twitter such as ‘trans women are not real women,’ or have a low enough social credit score making you unworthy of buying a bus ticket, an all-too-common occurrence in modern day China with its zero-tolerance approach to both Covid-19 and political dissent. Likewise, should you fancy a loaf of bread after voting the wrong way in an election then that will likely be denied to you too, until you learn to toe the line and agree with the party that two and two equals five!
It goes without saying that the present-day governments of the anglophile world would deny that they would ever do this, but the truckers who bravely and peaceably protested in Canada during the January of 2021 would disagree having had their bank accounts frozen by the Trudeau administration, for blockading roads, disrupting trade in the process in a highly effective way whilst managing to create a safe, family friendly space as they did so, replete with bouncy castles and rides for the kids and all because they didn’t want to be forced to take the Covid-19 jab in order to keep on trucking across the border with the United States of America, so much for ‘my body my choice!’ That line only seems to work when you are killing unborn infants! We then need to further consider that people who donated to the trucker’s crowd funding website also had their bank accounts frozen, the fact that this happened during the winter, in a northern country that extends into the artic circle is beyond belief! The government literally denied these people the right to life because they were unable to buy the things that they needed to stay warm and fed! This is only possible when money is electronic, it’s for this reason that cash is king, we must insist upon and use cash as often as possible. The government will find it harder to get rid of paper money, if everyone is still using it as illustrated with the following quotation.
“GoFundMe, an online fundraising platform, has announced on Friday that the ‘Freedom Convoy’ fundraiser has been officially cancelled (sic) and the platform will withdraw millions of dollars raised for truck drivers protesting vaccination requirements in Canada. GoFundMe stated that the leftover $9 million in donations will be sent to genuine and established charities picked by the convoy organisers and validated by the site — Daily Mail reported.” – Source: republicworld.com
Naturally enough a number of commentators decided to cast doubt upon the latter part of this claim, suggesting instead that the money would go to groups such as Black Lives Matter and some other darlings of Team Red, the resulting outrage caused GoFundMe to refund the money directly to the people who donated it instead of creating a globalist slush fund for their social justice zombies, who as often noted throughout this work, can only operate in safe environments where other people are paying their bills. This allows us to draw the rational conclusion that we must take away their safe spaces and put an end to their funding whenever possible. So, we demand that cash is always available, made by the government and not programmable so that we the people may decide how it gets spent and who benefits from our patronage. Cash is king!