We working class folk, the unsung heroes who keep our country running deserve much more recognition and support from our politicians, who it seems have forgotten that we exist! From fair wages to affordable housing, education, immigration and healthcare the entire country seems like it’s falling apart, nothing is working in broken Britain. Meanwhile our politicians trot around the world stage meeting with like minded allies and thought leaders who to a man express the need to solve problems globally when they can’t even fix their own patch of God’s green Earth! They need to take a hint from Jordan B Peterson and clean their own rooms before helping others with theirs. Within the mess that is Rishi Sunak’s billionaire paradise for plutocrats we can isolate five common areas that need direct attention.
Let’s start with wages. It’s no secret that the cost of living has been on the rise, every year prices go up and taxes too, but unfortunately, wages haven’t kept up and they never seem too. The only thing that has helped mask this has been the mass importation of cheap tat from China and the third world, but the jig is up, the market is saturated, the power of money is on the wane and as a result, many of us working class plebs are working longer hours than ever before and taking on multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Politicians need to step up and give the minimum wage a well-deserved raise, so hardworking people can have a decent standard of living. Note, the minimum wage, not some idle pontifications about a living wage that is optional for employers, but the actual and tangible minimum wage that politicians have within their power to change by an act of parliament is what needs to go up. We need real change from real actions, not more flowery words.
Energy Bills
Energy is another critical issue, as the cost has become prohibitively high for many in the working class. It’s a choice between heating or eating! Politicians have a responsibility to make energy more affordable and accessible for all, whether that’s by expanding power generation, ditching the green subsidies or regulating the energy sector more strictly as it seems dangerously out of control with profits soaring in response to costs inflating as a result of the myriad crises of recent years.
Too Many People
Affordable housing is also a concern as is the strain on essential services. With the cost of housing soaring, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for people to find a safe and affordable place to live. Politicians can help by increasing funding for affordable housing, offering tax credits to developers building houses for low-rent or mortgages as well as removing strain from the system by deporting people who no longer have the legal right to remain resident in this country. When it comes to immigration, we don’t mind a trickle, but we do mind a flood! The nation is now so full that it is in danger of capsizing! Who benefits from all of the extra people, well, it’s not the working classes who can’t find school places for their kids or get to see a doctor within a month or so of feeling sick, neither do they benefit when they are left to die in ambulances outside the hospital because all of the beds are full. Big businesses that exist across borders, trading around the world benefit from a very cheap labour climate in the UK, but why should they benefit when our social fabric is falling apart, especially when you consider that many of these huge corporations don’t even pay tax here! They are extracting all of the value from the UK and giving us literally nothing in return. When finally all of the value has gone, they will move on to another body to suck the blood out of like the fleas they are! So to reiterate we are fed up with competing with the third world for wages and millionaires for housing!
“In regards to the price of commodities, the rise of wages operates as simple interest does, the rise of profit operates like compound interest.
Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.” ― An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Job’s for Life
Job security is also a big worry, with automation and globalization leading to widespread job loss in many industries. Politicians can protect the jobs of the working class by investing in industries that provide good-paying jobs and supporting workers who lose their jobs whilst simultaneously restricting the numbers of overseas workers vying for unskilled or semi-skilled jobs that would normally be done by us plebs. It’s not rocket science, close the border and keep wages real! If we can’t afford to enjoy a pint of beer or the occasional treat at the end of our working week we must ask ourselves who exactly are we working for? Isn’t work supposed to buy lifestyle? If we’re not working for our own interests and have no life beyond work due to it being unaffordable, then why even bother?
The WEF, WHO and all of the other globalist talking hotspots
Finally, the working class deserves politicians who will listen to their concerns and represent their interests. It’s time for politicians to stop serving the interests of wealthy corporations, globalist lobbies and special interests that operate above the level of the nation state such as the WEF (World Economic Forum) and start serving the people they were elected to represent. These inter national organisations that claim to be just ‘forums,’ where ideas are swapped nevertheless seem to have a common set of policies that they all agree upon and an agenda that neatly sidesteps the elected governments of Planet Earth. You see it should be noted that government’s come and go, leaders are frequently changed but these globalist organisations are there in the background deciding policy goals and setting the agenda for our parliaments and assemblies regardless of promises made by our political classes to us! This is fundamentally evil and needs to change.
We working class people are the backbone of society and deserve the support of our politicians, without us, there wouldn’t even be a country or any money for corporations to extract from the marketplace! We deserve the right to live with dignity and security in accordance with our cultural traditions. The country we live in is only a good place to do business because of those traditions, not all cultures are equal, some are better than others and global business leaders as well as their political poodles need to remember this. This nation is not theirs to squander, our rights are hard won, fought for by successive generations of working class men and women and should not be taken away by men in suits with no conception of what it is to do an honest day’s work! So we must put an end to the career politician, let them serve for no more than 2 terms before having to find something else to do. If we don’t get the luxury of long careers and job security anymore, then neither should they!