There is only one being in the universe, and you are a part of it. You are interconnected with the great totality of all things, which is the Universe. You and the Universe are made of the same substance, and the Universe is the embodiment of God.
Think of yourself as a fish swimming in the vast ocean. How can the fish be separate from the ocean? The water of the ocean flows through the fish, enriching every part of its body. Yet, we often perceive the fish as separate from the ocean. In this metaphor, the ocean represents the body of God, and you swim within it like a fish. It is an undeniable fact that you are a part of the universe, the universe is a part of God, and therefore you are a part of God.
Are you not surrounded and permeated by the space around you? Does it not flow through you and around you? The cosmic ocean is abundant with various elements that move within it. It sustains and enriches you, providing the essential framework for all life, allowing you to emerge from the universe like a flower emerges from the earth. Can the flower be separate from the earth when it depends entirely on the earth for its existence? Without the flower, the earth would lack expression, and that would be impossible, as without any experience, there can be no expression.
The purpose of life, not just human life, is to continue experiencing it and expressing your inner nature. By expressing your true self and revealing what it means to be you, you are also expressing the nature of God within the universe. All spiritual and religious sources emphasize that God is infinite in both expression and experience. Thus, by expressing yourself, you are expressing the infinite nature of God. In essence, you are God.
It is not crucial what you do or how you experience it; what matters is that you keep on doing it. Your soul is delighted and stimulated when you try something new or approach familiar things in a different way. New experiences enrich the vast ocean of spirit in which we all swim. They allow you to express the great spirit that is God.
Two sides of the same coin
Expression and experience are two sides of the same coin, just as light is the opposite of dark and spirit is the opposite of the body. Life itself is comprised of these complementary opposites, such as night following day, age following youth, yin and yang, experience and expression.
Therefore, the concept of nothingness or non-existence cannot be an experience or an expression. This is why death cannot exist. God cannot express “nothingness,” which is why all of creation is filled with “something.” It is as limitless as it is beautiful. When you die, your physical body may cease to exist, ending your experience of earthly life. However, your vehicle of expression, your soul, remains.
The soul is your true self, the quiet inner essence that observes the world through your senses and motivates and engages you when you think no one else is watching. It is the unlimited part of you from which all good ideas, happiness, and joy spring. The soul is you, the real and best part of you because it encompasses your entire being. It is the engine of your experience and expression. It is your spirit.
This is why spirits are drawn to and enjoy assisting creative individuals in their writing, art, music, or any other form of expression. If you want to understand God, spirits, and the soul, you don’t have to look far; you can visit an art gallery and see for yourself. However, a better route to understanding is to create your own art or engage in scientific endeavors.
Science is truly great. It is an earnest attempt to understand more about the world we live in, and in essence, it is an attempt to understand ourselves and unveil a little more of the grand mystery. Scientists, often being passionate about what they do and expressing their inner selves through their work, are frequently the most spiritual individuals. Their pursuits often lead to new experiences for others, and they are blessed in their ability to uncover hidden knowledge and secrets.
It is a spiritual truth that we should strive to avoid causing suffering. Therefore, be kind in all your endeavors, recognizing that the lab rat is a part of you, just as the bacteria in a petri dish is. All entities and beings are another expression of God, and because you are God, they are also an expression of you.
This profound truth serves us on many levels. It explains why it is important to help the poor and the unfortunate because, in doing so, you are helping yourself. By aiding the less fortunate, you enrich yourself, for there is no one else in the metaphorical room. Everywhere you look, all you see is God, meaning all you see is yourself. You are everyone and everything, experiencing all these lives one at a time.
The Unity of Opposites
The vast consciousness of yourself, traditionally perceived as God, experiences all of these simultaneously. Every person, place, event, thought, imagination, act, kindness, and barbarity—God and you, for you are one—experience them all. The only difference is the scale of perception.
You are both the attacker and the victim, the soldier and the insurgent, the policeman and the criminal, the abuser and the abused. Realizing this should invoke compassion, for in the house of God, everyone is the same because everyone is interconnected. Harming another is ultimately harming yourself.
In the entire expanse of existence, there is only one fundamental particle of matter, duplicated countless times, with each duplication slightly altering the energy, giving each particle a distinct identity. The same is true for souls. There is one grand soul that encompasses all souls, expressed billions of times in various forms throughout creation.
Considering the unlimited and omnipotent nature of God, does it make sense to believe that there is only one path to salvation? Does it make sense to suggest that salvation is even necessary? Of course not. The existence of numerous religions is a testament to the universal law of expression, which states that the expression of God is boundless and cannot be confined to a single path.
It is contradictory to accept that God is limitless but only offers one path to salvation. It is also contradictory to perceive God as eternally compassionate and forgiving, yet withholding salvation. In truth, everyone goes to heaven because everyone is heaven. At this moment, everyone is in heaven while simultaneously being on Earth. You are literally present everywhere because you are everything.
You are God in miniature, a spirit that is part of a greater spirit encompassing all things and all spirits. This realization should make you feel more powerful and happier than ever before.
When you do the work of God, God takes care of you and fulfills your needs. Happiness becomes automatic when we all do what we were born to do and express our true nature to the cosmos.
Whether you are sitting in a chair, an old man in a retirement home, a young man hiking up a mountain, a young girl picking flowers, a dog in a kennel, a cow in a field, the grass beneath its mouth, or the stars twinkling in the heavens—it is all you, and you are beautiful.