Why are our overlords busy building bunkers? Is it because they suspect that the world is going to end sometime soon? Is it because they fear the mob, that one day the Gini co-efficient would hit the magic 0.4 level and the plebian masses will come for all of their stuff. Their priceless art, their comfy furniture, their fast cars, their beautiful women, the spoils of their, largely, it would seem, sociopathic lifestyles?
As long as I’ve been alive the rich have always been building bunkers, except that when I was a kid, they didn’t call them that, they’d just be far flung tropical islands, stocked with a beautiful beachside home with provisions for two years of happy hedonism alongside a private airstrip that was coincidentally located somewhere, they theorised, that the anticipated nuclear winter wouldn’t touch them, somewhere equatorial or in the southern oceans far away from the vast bulk of the northern landmasses.
Burying your nuts!
To bury your nuts like a squirrel is a very human instinct, there’s always been anxiety about the future. When I was a kid, I used to see a scruffy looking old man walking about with a sandwich board, over the top of his Sunday best, strolling up and down the busiest street in town every Saturday morning, fighting his way through the throng like a modern-day Diogenes, deliberately going in the opposite direction to the crowd. On his board was written ‘The End of the World is Nigh,’ which was quite a disturbing statement for a young lad like me to read when not even a teenager. I didn’t realise at the time, but he was deeply religious and proselytising for the Lord via his church by wearing that ridiculous looking A-frame that was almost as big as him, the statement written upon it in bold letters was nothing more than 1970’s style clickbait, designed to hook you in and lead you to the anxiety soothing peace of his church, that was presumably, a quiet place of even quieter contemplation, a place where if you pray long enough and hard enough God will accept you into his heavenly kingdom and grant you a place in the perfect world that is yet to come, Plato’s realm of perfect forms now transformed through the lens of Christianity into the home of the good at the end of time.
Meanwhile in the nearby industrial estate we had an actual nuclear bunker! It was at least half a mile long and God only knows how deep. It had been built in the 1960’s to house all of the important local dignitaries such as the council leader and anybody else deemed to be a key part of the command-and-control structures that would be essential in reestablishing order post the apocalypse in which radioactive fallout would rain from the permanently blackened skies of a nuclear winter. The land would be a blackened, charred, and dusty hellscape in which humanity would all but be wiped out, but nevertheless taxpayer money had been spent on a discrete survival mechanism for the old-world order, so that it could spring up again when the dust of a billion skeletons had been blown in the wind.
As far as I’m aware the bunker is still there, I haven’t had a good look for nearly 30 years on account of the fact that now I live somewhere else, but I remember seeing it, a low structure with no sharp edges, curved surfaces, made of concrete and low to the ground with bright red metal doors surrounded by nicely manicured lawns, hedges and flowerbeds on a strip of land between two opposing lanes of traffic in an otherwise busy commercial area in which cars, tyres, flat pack furniture, plant pots and electronics were sold, repaired and recycled into something else when they came to the end of their product lifecycle. Driving instructors drove past it a billion times a day, nobody paid any notice of it, it was just another council building that we all assumed was something to do with the water works or the gas making it mundane to us. Indeed, I only found out it was a nuclear bunker during the 1980’s when the local newspaper ran a story about tests of its ventilation system being done that filled its insides with smoke nearly gassing the human guineapigs inside marking the event as a dismal failure, but that was what we’d come to expect from our local council, they didn’t exactly brim with competence, but perhaps I’m being unfair.
The Jolly Heretic has recently posted a video on the subject of why the elites like to build bunkers (the link to his video is here).
I can confer that as far as I’m aware the elites have always tried to create a bolt hole for themselves whenever there’s been a palpable sense that the existing world order is coming to an end. The bunkers are therefore a signal of anxiety and nothing else. Like the one in my hometown, they probably won’t even be used and perhaps in a hundred years’ time people will be looking at them in much the same way that we look at medieval follies wondering why anybody would go to all of the trouble, let alone very rich men stabbing at immortality, or in the case of the folly builders it might have been fame that outlives the grave. I think the desire is the same.
I certainly hope that this is the case, especially as I’m too poor to build my own bunker, but luckily the walls of my house are so thick that they’d probably still be standing after any nuclear attack, whether I’d be standing with them is highly doubtful, but that’s ok, like all good philosophers I’ve looked death squarely in the eye and have found it be lacking. The realisation that one day we will have to die is not a reason to stop living now and neither is it a reason to be fearful of the future. We can’t know what is going to happen so we pay it no heed, we will deal with it when it gets here and not before, that my friend is the cure for all anxiety!
If you’d like to know more, check out our stoic videos and our earlier videos on how to conquer the fear of death. (playlist below)
Facing up to mortality is not something that we do well in our culture and that’s hardly surprising because for most of the last two thousand years we’ve been told that life after death is, (a) real and (b) will be terrible for most of us, unless of course we can live like boy scouts in the present moment by delaying the gratification of pleasures in this life, which in reality means for all eternity especially if you stop to consider that life after death may be just a pleasant or in this case an unpleasant Judaeo-Christian fiction.
So, if you are bunker building elitist or a politician fearful of the mob you should understand that just because you can do a thing doesn’t mean that you should, if you’re worried about insurrection on the streets of this ancient land then answer is never to erect barriers, walls, tolls, and charges that impinge upon the ability of the citizenry to live a good and simple life. Instead, it would be wise to speak with the common folk and try your best to address their very real concerns, worries and anxieties that blight their days, such as the cost-of-living crisis, mass immigration, poor quality employment and a whole host of other political issues that you are in a position to help solve.
Yet everywhere we look we see one new CCTV camera after another, one more rivet in the steel cage that the frightened masters are building for us. It will be a nice cage, comfy for a while, until our civic overlords decide that we don’t really need the comfort, or that our comfort and not theirs is harming the planet and by extension that our lives, our way of existence is worth less than theirs and that the bare minimum will do. Should we permit this, eventually they’ll decide that they no longer need us at all and cull us like vermin. This is what history tells us. Meanwhile we’ll pay for our imprisonment, we’ll pay in taxes to set it up and in fees, tariffs, and fines to keep it going. The new systems of public-private fascism requires that a profit be made and that it be shared unequally between both the greedy and the desperate corporate sector and the cash strapped and equally covetous public sector. We are cows to be milked by incompetent, grasping farmers who have convinced themselves that they are offering us something of value every time they place the bucket beneath our teats.
They think that we’re wild animals!
If they are busy building a cage for us, it’s because they think that we’re wild animals, but in truth they’ve driven themselves wild with the anxiety of climate doom, economic collapse, and the fear of angry post 2008 Occupy Wall Street masses coming for their stuff. As always, I’m tempted to think that their concerns are fiction, that none of these things will come to pass, but I’m often reminded that the more you focus on a given thing, the more likely it’s opposite is to come into existence. In other words, their extreme focus on security, profit and protection will eventually serve to make them insecure, poorer, and vulnerable if allowed to continue unchecked, because that’s human nature.
Bunkers are not the way, instead the fearful elitists should engage with the community and find out what we need and use their vast wealth to build something beautiful, something that benefits us all, something that everyone is happy to pay for, something that marks them out as a benefactor and not a parasite, something that would genuinely give them a place in the world that is worthy of the respect and admiration that they so desperately crave, something that puts them at the heart of the community and makes them inseparable to it so that should the time come, and the proverbial shit hits the fan, the people will rally around them and look to them for leadership because their interests are our interests; at which point we become one tribe and not an unwilling collective of atomised men without common cause or loyalty. This is why it’s important that we build a cage for our lawmakers, and we can begin by keeping issues that we care about current. We mustn’t get swept along by the media apparatus that moves us from one crisis to the next, we must demand that the spotlight remains upon the things that we genuinely and passionately care about so that the things important to us get the money and the spotlight that they deserve.
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