The eternal me
My sense of self has always remained the same, my essential essence or feeling of what it is to be me has always been the same from childhood into adulthood and now into middle age, my sensation of who I am has never altered. It’s unchanging despite the fact that I’ve had lots of new experiences, gained new wisdom, and learned new things. It’s unchanging because it’s eternal. It’s the eternal aspect of me that is witness to my thoughts, my feelings, and my experiences. I know what it is to feel like ‘me,’ and once again, I reiterate that sensation has never changed.
Thoughts are just mental events, so are feelings, but the eternal me, the watcher behind all of this mental activity, the nexus of my senses has never changed, it remains static and therefore outside of time, beyond the reach of entropy, it experiences change in my body, in my thoughts, in my views and in the outside world, but is nevertheless unchanged by time, it’s as constant as the northern star. That’s the deep down, real me, the inside me that lives now as it has always lived beyond the realm of earthly affairs. It’s the me that wears this body like a costume ready to be discarded when the time comes, it’s the me that is ready and willing to adventure in eternity. It is my soul…
It does not know pain, and neither does it know pleasure, but it is the experiencer of both. The soul is not the body, but it has an experience of the body. What belongs to the body does not belong to the soul. A problem for the body is also for the body and not the soul. The soul is the unchanging witness of changes. When the changed is witnessed by the unchanging a unity of opposites is achieved, and completeness is the result.