It’s always been there, unchanging and aware, your sense of self has always been the same, it’s never changed. We come into the world with our characters fully formed. The Tabula Rasa or blank slate is a mistaken belief. You may be changed by life, your values may change, your body may change, your thoughts and perceptions may change, but that deep down inside experience of being you, never, ever changes. That’s the real you, the deep down inside real you, that’s the authentic you that’s at one with the cosmos because it is the cosmos. That’s the real deep down inside true self, the real deal, that is the witness to change, but is itself unchanging. Mind is in matter and matter is in mind. That’s the union of opposites that makes life, experience and existence possible.
“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. There is a world within, a higher plane of reality, that is untouched by presumption and fashion, something that remains constant and of good omen… We are, perhaps, making a new discovery in the idea that mind and matter are only different expressions of the same energy and that one can pass into the other under some conditions. What we know as matter is a frozen state of what is basically an ungraspable and unknown energy.” – Carl Jung – The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.9 Part 1)