Any camera that can see inside a vehicle, that can tell whether you are using a mobile phone or are wearing a seatbelt is clearly military technology being used against the populace and for one, this type of ever-increasing surveillance is making me sick.
So, the next logical question that arises from this is why would the state need military grade surveillance cameras trained upon the populace? Well, there’s a couple of things that this seems to suggest, is that crime isn’t the focus, but security is! For instance, if one of these magic cameras that can see inside the car can determine that you are using your mobile phone when driving, you can then draw the conclusion that it could tell the difference between a handheld gun or a knife, or whether the person sitting next to the driver is seated comfortably or are being held hostage. It can, we know, tell if you are wearing a seatbelt. It’s not too far a stretch to suggest that A.I. monitoring systems could conceivably tell if the car’s occupants are happy, sad, nervous or excited or acting in a conspiratorial way.
Crime of course becomes the secondary motive, every car has a number plate and that is linked via database to the owner’s details, so there’s an immediate audit trail that makes motorists who make mistakes, such as accidentally entering the bus lane, or crossing into a ULEZ zone without having paid the toll, or for worst of all accidentally breaking the speed limit immediately liable for any fines that might come their way.
These fines that will soon be deducted instantly from our central bank digital currency or digital pounds wallet are more important to the powers that be than the actual offence being committed and that’s because they raise money. The government and the police forces earn income from the mistakes of ordinary people when they are behind the wheel and it’s this type of policing that is really far down the list of ordinary people’s concerns. It’s considered trivial by the public alongside things that might as well be legal in the UK such as burglary, sexual assault, rape, and other violent offences. This is partly due to the fact that nobody registers to be a burglar, mugger or rapist, so where there’s no audit trail the police are no longer capable of enforcing the law, the really important laws that we expect them to care about. This need for an audit trail also nicely explains why they’ll storm your house and ‘check your thinking,’ if you say the wrong thing on Twitter (now X).
This is also the same police force who are quite happy for you to believe that being offensive is an offense, despite the fact that (at the time of writing) it isn’t. You do indeed have the right under British law to be offensive, to cause offence if that is your wish. Indeed, if the only right that you have is to be inoffensive, that’s not a right worth having. Some things are worth fighting for and liberty is included in this.
Without the freedom to speak freely, we don’t have the freedom to think freely which is why any attempts by policing or any other government authority to curtail freedom of speech or expression in any other media must be resisted to the bitter end. Because the freedom to speak, is actually the freedom to think, criminalising certain patterns of speech is analogous to criminalising certain patterns of thought, because all speech begins as a thought. So, when it comes to freedom of speech, we must be indignant and simply retort ‘how dare you criminalise what goes on in my own mind, I’ll express myself as I like, thank you. Mind your own business, and whilst you are at it, pay attention to your own mind instead of trying to police mine! The absolute cheek of it!’
The police no longer protect the public, but they do indeed protect the state. There are not fit for purpose from the point of view of the average man in the street but nevertheless are seen by government as doing a fine job, and this more than anything else should tell you who they really work for. If you are a pro-Palestinian sympathiser who wants to climb over our sacred war memorials there’s not a dispersal order in sight, however, should you try and join the counter demonstration they’ll club you like a baby seal. There’s two tier policing at work in the UK, that results in kid gloves for the government and the causes they support, a blind eye being turned to the clients of their power and of course there’s everybody else, loosely referred to as the ‘far right!’ It’s binary, there’s the government, the client groups of power and the far right, no room for any nuance in between.
Who are these ‘far right,’ people we keep on hearing about, these troublemakers who want to disturb the peace in the wake of terrible atrocities being committed within their own communities such as the stabbing of children as recently occurred in Ireland? Well let me tell you. The far-right are just ordinary working-class people, left behind by globalisation, now living very quiet and desperate lives in deindustrialised areas the UK equivalent of the US rust belt.
They are against mass migration, not because they are racist, but because they don’t want to compete for even lower wages with foreigners and that too makes them protectionist in their economics. They like the nation state, they like borders and are quite happy for tariffs to be levied on goods entering the country that they should be making at home or at least used to in the good old days, the pre Regan and Thatcher incubation period of globalisation. They also like their history, and they know that their nation has done wonderful things for the world and don’t buy the line that they alone are guilty of a great disservice to mankind simply for being the descendants of very poor people who happened to be alive during the time of empire.
Most of the population of the UK are descended from farm workers a great deal of which were forced out of the country and into the cities for a life of crime, prostitution, or vice due to the mechanisation of agricultural jobs. The lucky ones found work in factories or mills, but many didn’t and in the absence of a welfare state were forced into crime. If you didn’t work or steal for your next meal, you would die. Their children and grandchildren fought in the great war, a squabble between royal families and the survivors’ own children fought once again in the Second World War, which was a continuation of the first! They’ve known hardship for as long as they’ve known anything, and they are the people who built this land that is now home to the world. They made it a good place to do business, and now their leaders are busy selling their inheritance and heritage to the rest of the world for pennies on the dollar.
The British Empire was run by bleeding heart liberals when compared to the atrocities inflicted upon the world in the French and Spanish colonies, so we take no lessons from post modernists Marxists who want to diminish our nations when they’ve already voted with their feet, those academics for instance who fled the Soviet Union under pain of death, only to get professorships in the west where they immediately began the great work of unravelling our ancient societies in order to create the conditions necessary for a Marxist revolution.
The working classes know that a great fraud is being perpetrated upon them when the things they used to make in local factories for a modest wage are now made in China for pennies on the pound and sold back to them in the ultimate game of min-max dearly beloved of capitalists everywhere, all the while college students promoted to government wag their fingers at them over pro nouns and white privilege. They’ve seemingly forgotten that their own great grandmothers worked in coal mines alongside the men who were as equally exploited and abused as any native in any far-off land by the well to do and the aristocracy.
Left to themselves there would have been no empire, but the kings, queens, counts and dukes along with the captains of industry, the mercantile middles classes had other ideas. Other lands had things that they wanted and so they took them, yet collectively we all have the blame, because apparently, we’ve all benefited from the proceeds, but how is this so?
Most working-class people are quite poor and without the next pay check will probably be evicted almost immediately and left to starve whilst boat migrants are put up in 4 star hotels. This type of unfairness at the heart of society drives them mad because the English tradition, the common law tradition of the Anglo Saxons now spread around the world by our plucky ancestors demands that all men are treated equally by the law and that justice be blindfolded, but this is not what we see in our daily news or social media feeds.
The social contract has been broken and none are more aware of this than the working class intelligentsia, those people who collectively know more about the workings of government than our molly coddled politicians and civil servants, because they are well read and show an interest in current affairs. This is who the far right is!
So, the next time you read a nasty little hit piece or hear a newsreader talk about the appalling behaviour of the far right, just replace the word’s ‘far,’ and ‘right,’ with ‘working,’ and ‘class,’ because that’s who the government is frightened of. That’s who they wish to demonise, that’s who they wish to dehumanise and blame for the failure of the borderless, multi-cultural society that we now live within because if the ‘far right,’ ever win any real power for themselves at a future election then the borders and the tariffs might come back and that would be bad for business and the line of GDP might go down and that would upset the present government and their big business overlords that they seemingly work for.
The globalists who every night stain their bedsheets at the thought of children working in lithium mines turning rocks into batteries for their electric cars and handheld devices, all of which will spy on us. Every device with an IP Address is a snitch! Imagine Stalinist Russia but with today’s technology, it’s not as far of as we’d like to think and that’s why we must resist whilst we still can and tell our global overlords that we don’t recognise their authority and we don’t trust their lackeys in government whether red, blue or yellow, we don’t care about the colour of their ties only the quality of their characters and if their interests align with ours.
If that’s not the case then we deem them to be illegitimate and as per the rules of our ancient polity and constitution we must rebel by speaking freely and without censorship, amplifying our voices into a popular movement that speaks for us and not for them. The globalists only care about themselves, they only care that their money and property remains safe beyond our grasping hands, the protection of which is now the job of our police force, completely corrupted from the inside out!
The main thing to take away from this is that we have real power, if that wasn’t the case the state wouldn’t feel the need to watch us with military grade cameras. They are petrified of the mob, because they secretly worry that the mob might take away their treasures and coins, that’s why they are busy building a digital prison for us. We live in a petrified state! The leaders are scared witless of rebellion, that the competing identify groups that they’ve created might unite and turn upon them instead of following orders and turning on each other.