I’ve been watching the recent fallout from the Rochdale By-Election with interest this week as our Hindu Prime Minister addressed the nation partially in response to the election of a Pro-Muslim, Pro-Gaza/Free Palestine Candidate in Rochdale, giving us the very strong impression that this type of thing isn’t meant to happen in Christian England.
We’ve had pro-Palestinian protests for months on end, the police are at their wits-end as they don’t really want to arrest any of the pro-Palestinian mob that has taken to the streets because they quite like them and approve of their politics. The Police have become an institutionally captured organisation, ruled by the church of the Wokerati. It’s has its own faith, its own moral code, which is the code of the secular Marxists, typical of the idealist 1960’s ‘peace and love,’ and the ‘why don’t we all just get along,’ crowd, or more correctly the weak men made by good times, previously created by the blood of very strong men in very bad times, this of course is nothing but late stage Christianity in disguise. I’ll explain why this is the case in a few moments but let us consider for the briefest time, that those who dissent have been pushed to the fringes of the establishment away from the herd, and whether they like it or not are being forced to become Nietzschean supermen in this battle of ideas, because bad times make for strong men! We’ve all become Zarathustra living in intellectual caves in the mountains, whilst madness grips the herd in the villages below. Like Zarathustra we must return to the village and teach them the ways of the Overman, the Superman, the Nietzschean free thinker. We free thinkers who were once considered ‘good men,’ who would rather live a quiet and mindful life, the philosophical life, the life of the mind, have now been forced to attack the state that they once loved, in order to root out corruption and return things to how they once were. Politics makes gadflies of us all. Many of us are propelled by an ideal of secularism, a separation of church and state in a liberal land that once prized the ability to have freedom of religion, freedom of thought and freedom of conscience. The rules having been made when all of the movers and shakers were a Post Enlightenment Christian Free Market Liberals. The secular dream is an impossibility, it’s never been possible, and it never will be.
You might be a Christian, you might be a Hindu, or a Muslim, or even claim to be an atheist, but the work of Carl Jung, the Swiss Psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology suggests that, even if you profess no faith at all, then you are in fact lying to yourself, because it’s within the limitless expanse of the subconscious mind that gods and monster’s roam. God as conceptualised in Judeo Christian terms is an archetype of perfection, his counterpart, Satan is an archetype of imperfection. One could argue that Satan is the personification of Nietzsche’s Will to Power, God is the personification of the Will to Love and it’s between these two competing wills that all human beings must walk. Indeed, Nietzsche once said that:
“Whatever is done out of love always occurs beyond good and evil.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
In other words, acts driven by Love transcend our own petty interpretations of morality, like a mother stealing a loaf of bread to feed her hungry children. I would even go so far as to say that when the Will to Love and the Will to Power align then miracles occur.
God and Satan exist as archetypes, symbolic representations of mental energy themselves based upon the perfect forms of Plato. Jung was arguably a mystic, but he was also a Neo-Platonist. Each archetype is a form, a perfect form, incorruptible and incapable of change, moving ghost-like through the collective unconscious that Jung believed was pan-individual and found within the psyches of all living things. The conscious mind, closely associated with the ‘Ego,’ is a barrier to this limitless realm and by quieting the ego, we can explore tiny fractions of this undiscovered country, and as we do so individualise, becoming whole in the process, uniting our repressed parts such as the persona and the shadow, the anima, and the animus.
“The collective unconscious consists of the sum of the instincts and their correlates, the archetypes. Just as everybody possesses instincts, so he also possesses a stock of archetypal images.”
Carl Jung – The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
Each archetype is represented by a common symbol, that everyone understands, these symbols change from culture to culture, place to place, time to time, religion to religion, but nevertheless represent an unchanging energy within the collective unconscious that serves to drive our human behaviours and interactions. The energy is constant, but the symbols change in response to cultural forces in the material world beyond our psyches, but the energy at least according to Jung remains the same within the everlasting and unlimited collective unconscious.
It’s within the collective unconscious that you find the spirits of your ancestors and everyone that you’ve ever loved, each one progressing from earthly imperfection to perfection over immense spans of time. Thus, Jung in his work strongly hints that the unconscious realm is a metaphysical reality, it’s where we find heaven and its counterpoint of hell, it’s where we go when we dream, it’s what we encounter when we meditate or think deeply, every object, person and event is symbolic, an energy represented by a symbol designed to tease your psyche into recognition and growth.
An easy real world parrel here, albeit an unsophisticated one, is that the Coca Cola logo is symbolic of the drinks company, the logo is the symbol, the drink is the culmination of the archetype behind the logo and so it is within the deeper recesses of our subconscious mind.
What this means is that if you are raised in a Christian country, surrounded, and steeped in the Christian lore and traditions of your forefathers then you will have no choice but to be a Christian, despite professing yourself to be an atheist, the same applies to those raised in a typically Muslim or Hindu environment. Your environment provides the operating software, the symbols that runs your hardware for the rest of your life. In this computer metaphor very, few people are capable of a complete reboot, or even a reinstall. For us it means that we have no choice but to act out our archetypes, they live through us. Indeed, Jung would go so far as to say that people don’t have ideas, ideas have people (as often mentioned by Jordan B Peterson). What we can conclude from this is that we all exist in an ideological battleground, the world, thanks to the internet and freedom of movement has become a very small space and that means that the ideological real-estate has shrunk, the ecology of the mind isn’t as big as it used to be, and that means that archetypes that once shared this mental landscape fairly peaceably because they were separated by great distances now fight amongst themselves for what remains and it’s within the niche of those closest to one another that the fighting is most bitter and that’s what we’re witnessing now in politics. In the perfect realm of forms, the Neo-Platonist collective unconscious of Jung, Darwinism reigns supreme. It’s survival of the fittest, the Gods of the psyche are clashing and it’s leading to hostility, civil disorder, and pretty soon I think, bloodshed on the streets. I don’t think that it will be a violent revolution, but instead a violent crackdown from the state!
A Hindu prime minister who on the outside appears only concerned for the bodily safety of his political class, many of which now feel almost as unsafe as the common folk outside of the House of Commons, is attempting to make illegal a conflict between Christians and Muslims in a land that everyone pretends is secular, that it’s always been secular and that it should always be secular. The man is an idiot because he believes that people have ideas and that both people and their ideas are interchangeable, but the reality at least according to Jung is that ideas have people and those ideas last forever, they do not decay, they do not change, they are as constant as the Northern Star and will outlast the pyramids. The symbols might change, but the ideas cannot and that is why we’ve never had peace on earth, and we probably never will. The liberal, secular dream has died, and that’s because to paraphrase the late, great George Carlin, you’ve got to be asleep to believe it!