I often state in my work that in a higher dimension we’re all one being. The nature of that one being is of course the Godhead, the divine spark, the originator of all things.
The godhead is the power source of creation, an endless font of eternal love and awareness that is so blissfully intense that it radiates from love into energy and matter and all of the states in between. The entire universe is powered by love. It’s often said that God is love.
What this also means is that all things are also love. The very simple things such as rocks, trees, stardust, and human beings are all love.
Everything that you see in the universe is a manifestation of love, from the mountains to the stream, the deepest oceans and the darkest nights, warm winds, and cool breezes. It’s all love. We’re all ‘love’ and to be alive in a universe such as this is to be caressed by love every single day.
If we let this love flow through us then everything that we do becomes the actions of the Godhead, to be love is to be God. Jesus understood this, but this essential message has been lost in time and politics to become understood as something else.
God is a poor word for the divine, that’s why I use the term Godhead or other terms such as ‘the divine’ interchangeably. Make no mistake though when I speak of God, the Godhead or the divine I am not describing a personality or an aspect of God such as Yahweh or a prophet I am referencing the originator of all things, all places, peoples, events, stars, galaxies, and universes.
I seek the seed beyond all things. The originating impulse, that which started all of this…
When most people think of God they think of an old man with a long white beard and white robes in the mould of a Greco-Roman philosopher much like Socrates or some other denizen of our history books.
The thing is though that to name God is to limit God, to depict God is to limit God, that’s why it’s wise not to have an image of God in your mind, or if you do have one then it will do you well to ‘grow out of it’ and understand that the true nature of God is beyond description, though it can be felt in the everlasting and ever flowing love that sustains and nurtures us all every moment of every day.
In the Svetasvatara Upanishad it is written:
“He is the one God, hidden in all beings, all-pervading, the Self within all beings, watching over all works, dwelling in all beings, the witness, the perceiver, the only one, free from qualities.”
God is unlimited in scope, power, beauty, love, and all other attributes, that’s all that there is to it.
In the beginning it was said that there was nothing and God said let there be light. If there was nothing, then what was the universe made out of? If we accept that metaphor to be kind of true then it points to the idea that the universe may be made out of God or more simply that God is the universe, both within and without, above and beyond.
Material and spiritual are both different aspects of one thing, or more bluntly two sides of the same coin. So, what does that make us?
You are one with the universe, you too have a material and a spiritual component, just like God.
God’s material component is the whole universe and the realms beyond. God’s spiritual component is the ocean of awareness that saturates every moment in time and space with the love, consciousness, and joy that we all feel in the very centre of our beings. God is at the centre of all things looking out.
Every grain of sand stands at the centre of its own universe. Just like you.
In the Corpus Hermetica, Tat asked. “Is God then in matter, O father?”
Hermes replied “Where could matter be placed if it existed apart from God [who is infinite]? Would it not be but a confused mass, unless it were ordered? And if it is ordered, by whom is it ordered? The energies which operate in it are parts of God. Whether you speak of matter or bodies or substance, know that all these are the energy of God, of the God who is all. In the All there is nothing which is not God. Adore this teaching, my child, and hold it sacred.”
Alan Watts expresses a similar sentiment when he says “…What you do is what the whole Universe is doing at the place you call here and now. You are something the whole Universe is doing in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing.”
So, to summarise, you are the entire universe in much the same way that a wave is the entire ocean or that a distant cloud is the entire sky wherever the cloud happens to be… That’s your true nature, one of non-duality. We are all one thing and that is God in miniature, the single making the many, that are themselves different aspects of the single. As above, so below, you are not only God as a microcosm, but you are God full stop!