“Of all evil I deem you capable: Therefore I want good from you. Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
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“Superior men live above their rulers, free from restraint – and in rulers they have their instruments.”  – Nietzsche

 Aphorism 998 – The Will to Power, Book IV, part 1 – Hierarchy.


We must become superior men and ensure that the would-be rulers of the world work for us, that they are subservient to us, we must become noble men of high intellect and high ideals always willing to critique and outright criticise the governments of today.  It makes no difference whether they are on team blue or red, we’re non partizan iconoclasts always against the spirit of the age, demanding virtue where there is none whilst smashing apart the virtues they offer as false, we must make their pieties into impieties and when finally they demand of us virtue, we offer our own.  We must become moral philosophers in defence of our ability to exist as authentically free beings.


“Of all evil I deem you capable: Therefore I want good from you. Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche – Thus Spake Zarathustra.


In this quote from “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” Friedrich Nietzsche makes it plain that he sees great potential for evil in everyone, and by expressing a desire for good from them, he’s making it obvious that authentic goodness is a choice or an action that one must consciously pursue.


Those that have ‘no claws,’ are the types of people who think themselves to be good because they’ve never ever been put in a situation that requires a conscious moral choice, one way or the other.  In other words, they’ve never been put in a situation where they have had to consciously choose to do good or bad as judged by society in the pursuit of their own interests.  Therefore, they cannot possibly be good, Nietzsche laughs because he judges them to be weak.


When applied to our leaders…


So, in the service of our higher ideals, we must deem our potential leaders capable of great evil, those canvassing for election or recently elected, and demand from them goodness because they too are equally as weak as any other member of the population who has not been put in a position of real moral choice.  They are not good, they simply have no claws, but are nevertheless brimming with the Will to Power and because power seeks out its own opposition will attempt to make us feel their influence within our own lives.  The governed must feel the weight of the government otherwise they won’t know that they are being governed.  Like all good iconoclasts this is something that we reject, we alone are responsible for our own minds and allow nobody else any dominium there for as long as we continue to seek out our own noble values, which may not be the values of the Westminster herd.


Like Nietzsche’s our attitude towards politics must be complex and nuanced. We do not align ourselves with any particular political ideology and must be critical of both the Conservate reformationists and the Neo-Marxist movements of our time that dominate the political discourses of the airwaves and the internet whenever it conflicts with our own ability to exist authentically, especially if it should seek to affect or limit our ability to think creatively or inhibit our artistic expression or otherwise limit our freedoms for the ‘greater good.’  We must stand ready, if need be, to smash apart the ideals of the World Economic Forum, The United Nations, our own governments, their political parties or indeed any organisation that dares to interfere with our sovereign liberties, hard won by the Will to Power of our ancestors.  Our freedoms are not gifts of government, and neither are they gifts from God but are the steals of previous wars fought by men against tyrants.  Tyrants have one thing in common, and that is that they tend to be paranoid, frightened of the people in whose interests they govern and blind to the fact that they have no true power, it being a gift of the masses.  We must therefore make them see clearly that their existence, their exalted position depends upon us being happy in our own.

Our will to power must be greater than theirs, we must all speak out whilst we still can because it’s not good enough to simply ignore them, or to stop them in their tracks the second they act against our interests we must destroy them, we must rouse our will to power and make them the butt of any appropriate joke, poking holes in their agenda, robbing them of their power, authority and ability to rule as we do so. We must voice our opposition in the loudest way and expose their mediocre thinking with our piercing intellects.  Our leaders, full to the brim with the will to power, but otherwise ungifted with philosophy, have no more moral weight than the rest of us, which in terms of the grand cosmos is actually none at all!  They possess no more virtue than the rest of us, which in actuality is none at all, they do not possess a moral vantage point that is somehow or other inaccessible to the common man.  All they’ve got is the currency of influence and a willingness to spend it in defence of their property and lives.  We must see to it that they spend this currency in the most inopportune way possible regardless of how proselytising they are when it comes to the sacrifices that ‘we,’ and not ‘they,’ must be willing to take in order to save the planet, save the economy, save the country and so on.


It is the common condition of mankind to continually be surrounded by the apocalypse, there’s never been a time in human history in which someone has not said that the world is about to end which is why prophecies of doom should not scare us and neither should they be used as a tool of coercion by our would be masters, we must make it plain that if they wish us to take part in their designs then they must appeal to our interests and not the interests of those who fear us because they wish to take advantage of our labours and good will.


Our first question when dealing with tyrants is ‘what’s in it for me?’  The second should then be ‘how does this limt my freedoms?’ and the third and final question should be ‘and does this apply to you too?’ 


If the answer to the final question is ‘no,’ then we must reject their demands out of hand, automatically giving them the ‘no,’ that they’ve been looking for, in doing so we dignify their will to power and our own and make no mistake we’re in a battle of wills.  Our will must be stronger, we must overcome, to do otherwise is to cease to be superior men.  We do not and will never, ever accept the company and the values of the Westminster herd, there is nothing worse than this ‘go along to get along,’ mentality that fills the heart of inferior men.


Every man must be fit to voice their opposition and demolish the arguments of the Westminster herd, to be a thorn in the side of bad governance, every man must busy himself with the important work of holding his government to account and thus propel himself to his place at the top of the natural order of things.  Politicians work for us, we do not work for them…


I reiterate, our freedoms are not gifts of government, and neither are they gifts from God but are the steals of previous wars fought by men against tyrants and we’d do well to hold onto them…

About Post Author

Comicus Muo

Comicus Muo loves dualism, Existentialism, Nihilism, Absurdism and a plethora of helpful philosophies from the ancient world such as Stoicism, not to mention a healthy dose of Cynicism. Comicus is also a reasonable theist, atheistic in his thinking but also a Mystic, spiritual rather than religious and keenly aware that it's the Judaeo-Christian heritage of the west and it's enlightenment values that allow him to be this way.
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