Life is unapologetic, it’s ever expanding, always conquering new frontiers, life in short never feels ashamed of itself, as the great German philosopher Nietzsche once said, life is a Will to Power, should the ‘will,’ be diminished then feelings of sadness and depression arise. In contrast, when power is expanded, overcoming the obstacles in its way, then feelings of happiness and satisfaction naturally arise.
To put it more succinctly the lion feels that he deserves to eat the gazelle, he enjoys his kill, he’s earned every mouthful of that raw, blood-soaked flesh that passes between his teeth and into his stomach. That might not sound very nice, but it is what the laws of physics and biology mandate for life on earth, despite the gruesomeness of this particular scene, it is an affirmation of life.
We human beings, we enlightened folk of the West, those of who would never dream of hurting a fly are not immune from this because we too are an expression of the Will to Power; we too need to overcome obstacles and we too feel sad, miserable and depressed whenever we are unable to do so. That’s why you’ll always find the presence of something ugly, something ‘anti life,’ something that represents a diminishment of the will to power behind every mental heath crisis in the modern world, one example of which is the modern transgender epidemic.
‘This world is the will to power—and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power—and nothing besides!’ – Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power
If you consistently tell young men for instance, that they have no societal value, that girls are better and preferred in every single way, that young men shouldn’t have role models, yet somehow or other young girls should, then sooner or later some of them are going to wonder if they’ve been born in the wrong body.
The will to power will find expression where it can, one of which may be within the ‘voluntary choice,’ of young men to become synthetic women. I am not for one moment you understand, trivialising those who suffer from actual gender dysmorphia, but I am laying out a possible path here to ‘trans regret,’ one that’s subtle, a part of the background hum of modernity in which femininity is deemed preferable by just about everyone from advertisers, movie makers, the educational establishment, employers and government departments, resulting in a gynocentric climate in that young men often feel alienated from, that they don’t belong, that they are not wanted, and that there’s no future for them, unless of course, they change gender.
Why is this important to me and possibly you too? Well, that’s easy, it’s because we can help to solve this problem by celebrating masculinity, the positive aspects of masculinity that really benefit our society. Men are usually the people doing the dangerous jobs that we all depend upon to keep the wheels of civilisation turning and this needs to be recognised and celebrated by all. It’s not that women can’t do these jobs or shouldn’t try, but it’s typical for men to be doing them and sometimes, but not always, men are best suited to these unpleasant jobs that keep the lights on!
The masculine potential of humanity is important, necessary and useful, but not any more so than its feminine partner. Men and women are not opposite ends of a spectrum but are mutually important, the masculine and the feminine must be brought into the conscious awareness of society as being both equally valid, essential and necessary to the good functioning and vitality of the whole.
This doesn’t mean that women must be exclusively or traditionally feminine and neither is the opposite true for men, as a good Jungian I for one would want to see us all harmonise both the masculine and the feminine potentials in all of us, because once done we can then individualise and live authentically, but nevertheless if you are born male then you must endeavour to be the best man that you can be, and ladies, the opposite applies to you.
The Best Man?
The best man and the best woman is the complete man and the complete woman, mentally sufficient, knowing where their talents lie, and where their limits are. Limits must be overcome, and talents allowed to flourish, despite the limitations of biology, this is where the Will to Power comes in, this is where we begin the grand task of overcoming obstacles and gaining happiness and satisfaction in the process.
A gynocentric society is not a healthy one, and neither is an Androcentric one, both principles must be in balance. Masculinity, like the lion must not be made to feel ashamed of itself, after all we don’t expect the gazelle to feel ashamed when escaping the teeth and claws of the lion.
Like male and female both are aspects of the will to power, constantly striving to overcome limitations, to be the best lion or gazelle that they can be whilst operating within the very distinct limits of their respective biologies.
We must become the role models that our young people need if we are to arrest the woke decay of modernity and we do that by honouring and balancing the masculine and feminine principles within the self and society as a whole.
This is not anything new, it’s something that our earliest ancestors understood, in the times of myths and legends, the Greco-Roman gods and goddesses such as Mars and Venus had a daughter, and her name was Harmony. Mars was the god of war and love, Venus the goddess of love and war. All that I’m suggesting is that we recover our lost wisdom and remember that what was once true for our ancestors is still true for us now. Human beings do not change.
The Will to Power is alive and well and it’s within us all, and we would do well to not only remember this, but to seize hold of it and take our societies back from those anti-life weaklings who have stolen so much from not just us, but our young people too, all of which are important, all are necessary because everyone can have a part to play in building a better future, a brighter future for all, one in which the opposing principles of Venus and Mars are once again balanced by Harmony.