The World Economic Forum has been in full swing, although in recent years attendance has begun to drop as the elites avoid being seen with an organisation that has through its own bad publicity managed to tarnish its image thanks largely to a series of predications centred around the year 2030 in which we will own nothing, have no privacy, rent everything, even the whisk we might use to make food and somehow or other be happy!
This future which involves a massive expansion of the rentier class was met with little enthusiasm by we ordinary plebs, we like having private property and the right to dispose of it as we see fit and neither do we like the idea of becoming consumer slaves for the rest of time, doomed to fulfil a never ending daily routine in which we produce and consume the fruits of modernity in a closed loop that is as infinite as the endless void that masquerades for morals in the minds of our leaders, the institutional stupidity of which is near infinite.
Fully Automated Luxury Imprisonment
Why is this important? Well over the weekend I saw a video on TikTok in which a young man was arrested by a flying drone that identified him, told him to put his hands in restraints and sent him off to a fully automated prison in which he saw no one else. At no point was he told what crime he’d allegedly committed despite repeatedly asking but instead was bullied, cajoled and brow beaten into pleading guilty for this unknown and presumably unknowable crime in order to reduce his likely sentence from 47-50 years imprisonment to a mere 4-7 years instead. His protests of innocence were ignored, the only options he had were to plead guilty or not guilty. That is all the machinery would understand. Eventually after getting the financial support of his family, he was able to get a human lawyer to get him out but in the meantime his life had been destroyed. He’d lost his job but was allowed back outside the fully automated prison and left to blink at the sunlight.
This type of video exists as a response to the World Economic Forum’s positive vision of a technocratic future in which we plebs eat the bugs, have a microchip in our heads, play video games in the pod, don’t travel anywhere in real life whilst being continuously surveilled by electronic means and are somehow or other expected to be happy living in a world that’s been turned into a digital panopticon in order to cement the present day elites into permanent positions of power. That’s the impression that they’ve unwittingly given the world through their own press releases, videos and other marketing efforts which is why trust in the World Economic Forum is at an all-time low. It’s their own fault that the internet is full of justified memes in which the plebs endure the full weight of a stifling electronic bureaucracy designed to keep them in their place, making them modern day serfs in a technocratic feudal order in which the very richest and most influential WEF delegates become the new aristocracy.
From the outside looking in, it seems as if the technocrats of the World Economic Forum have been for some years morphing the organisation into the legislative arm of the United Nations in the hope that they will become the de-facto parliament for the rapidly emerging New World Order. The result being that Most people now see ‘Uncle Klaus,’ as the last in a long line of wannabee dictators, a present day Hitler and not a Caesar – because Caesar was for the people after all and not the plutocrats, the patrician classes that fed upon the labour of the people of Rome – which nicely explains the sustained media blackout around this event, very little news has made it out of Davos this week and only the best, the most inspiring and purest visions of the dystopian future they wish to inflict upon us has made it on to their YouTube channel – the videos of which have had the comment functionality turned off. The stuff that’s decided in secret meetings out of sight of the media, the masses, and their many and various governments is nowhere to be seen.
The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.
Source – Every One of the recent YouTube Videos
The predictable result of all of this is an internet filled to the brim with dystopian warnings of a future in which mankind has only the illusion of freedom, no wonder the WEF are now openly worried about misinformation, disinformation and malformation affecting their ability to govern. I have heard this week, but haven’t had chance to confirm this, that they’d like the world’s entire internet to be under the control of one single international body. Presumably in order to control all of the above, so that they can feed the populace of planet earth a diet of positive messages designed to convince us that they are nice people after all and not the elitist vermin that they are frequently portrayed as. I use the term elitist and not elite for the simple reason that ‘elite,’ implies competence, skill, and meritocracy, whereas ‘elitist,’ simply means that they think that they are better than us. That their lives, their comforts and their right to money, property and freedom have more moral weight than ours. This organisation is not brimming with competence, if it were, it would never have released those disastrous predications for the year 2030 in which we own nothing but are nevertheless happy.
At the WEF Economics is in full swing, but philosophy is sadly absent, if it were not the case they would soon understand that even in the event of a perfect world, human beings lacking challenge would find a way to break it. You see, it’s like this, in a perfect world, everything would be ideal and there would be no need for change. However, the reality is that such perfection is impossible, one man’s Utopia is another man’s dystopia, Human beings are constantly striving for improvement but once put in a place where nothing can be improved, would have to find a way to break the perfect world in order to continue to grow and evolve. Indeed, this is the theme of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World which depicted the hedonistic and intellectual stagnation of mankind and not its zenith. The point of this article is simple, we must find a way to break the power of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and any NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) that work at the behest of very rich men to influence public policy and thereby subvert the democratic will of the populace whilst we still have the tools available to do so, one of which is an open and relative free, Internet.
The internet is the crown jewel of humanity, deliberately designed, and set up by free thinkers, engineers and scientists to be decentralised in order to encourage the spread of information and collaboration, yet the WEF, now worried by claims of misinformation, mal-information and disinformation the majority of which has been caused by their own errors now wish to centralise it, probably in response to their loss of control of Twitter, now X. Let’s boil this down, in response to their mistakes that have made them look bad, we must now lose an open and freeish internet.
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