Ethnicity and Modern Slavery
Have you noticed how white people are not allowed to have an ethnicity? It’s true we live in a political climate in which non white people are allowed or even encouraged to celebrate their history and their heritage whilst the whites are dismissed as racists or supremacists if they do so? What we can take away from this is it that it’s in the interest of power that Caucasians wherever they can be found anywhere in the West are to be held to a higher standard than members of other races, and whenever they face or encounter anti-white racism are expected to simply dismiss it as bad behaviour or pretend that it hasn’t really happened. In stark contrast should the reverse happen then the persons affected must be indignant and decry the obvious racism of the white man, shun him publicly and broadcast to all that he is a man of inferior character, a pariah not fit to be a member of our enlightened society.
This obvious double standard now more than ever must come to an end especially in this age of mass migration where our ancestral homelands are now nothing more than an economic zone open to all peoples from all places regardless of the social costs that might come from such mixing, none of which I might add make it on to the balance sheets of any the big corporations and the departments of state that benefit from the mass importation of the third world into the first world. So, when it comes to the preservation of the west the first thing that we must do is to accept and understand that non white people can also be racist, that they are just as flawed as the rest of us and as equally capable of bad behaviour. We must put to bed this nonsense that ‘only white people can be racist,’ because apparently the white folk have all of the power, wealth and opportunity that has seemingly been inherited from their colonial ancestors who exploited the rest of the world for personal gain.
The truth is that in modernity at least white people are at a very serious disadvantage when compared to people of other ethnicities as revealed by a number of the government’s own studies that place white working-class boys in particular at the very bottom of the pecking order, achieving less than their counterparts whilst getting none of the benefits of positive discrimination. The playing field is far from level. White people have been stripped of their power, opportunity, heritage and culture in order to advantage the more recent settlers to our ancestral homelands who are actively encouraged to revel in their state sanctioned power, take advantage of every opportunity presented to them and luxuriate in their heritage and culture, without any of the burdens that come from having to integrate with the culture, society or world view of their hosts. They are a new citizenry, a preferred citizenry, and a client group of state power structures that care nothing for the nation state, only that the line for GDP should go up, as if that solves all problems?
Welcome to the era of reverse colonialism…
Also, it should be noted that these enclaves of foreign tribes that exclude the remainder population are in fact colonies. We’re living in an age of reverse colonisation. Instead of going out into the world and co-opting the labour of other lands we’ve invited them here instead, either way the exploitation is still going on! The one metric that matters is quietly ignored, it’s not even acknowledged and that is the number of slaves, alive and working in the UK today. Who owns them, where do they live, how are they compelled to work, how are they controlled and who profits from them is never talked about. The keeping of slaves is not a traditional part of the host nation’s history or culture, and this problem didn’t exist until modernity, and now takes place for the most part in our multi-cultural cities, those bastions of rootless cosmopolitans that we’re all supposed to be proud off, because ‘diversity is a strength!’
Minorities are busy enslaving other minorities in this ancient land that once outlawed slavery across the entire planet! 1 in 8 people in Leicester are slaves! That’s not in antiquity, that’s right now, in the present moment. We’ve imported so many slaves into the country that we’ve become ancient Rome in contemporary form. This must come to an end, this must stop, all further immigration to the UK must stop for at least for 100 years to give our various peoples time to integrate and form a new culture that incorporates the best values of all, we also need a common crusade to unify us and that must be an end to modern slavery, worldwide and within our borders. Every person alive today in the United Kingdom must understand that they are free and sovereign human beings, that slavery is an abomination wherever it may be found, and that the government will deal harshly and unforgivingly with modern day slave masters.
The Punishment for Slavery is lack of liberty…
Personally, I would sentence any such slave master to 100 years in prison with no option of parole or early release, upon their natural death I would leave their bodies to rot unburied until the end of their sentence. I would turn their cells into an exhibit so that all may come and see the decomposition of their rotting flesh and be reminded that the price of slavery is a life without liberty for those caught dealing in such shameful practices. Liberty is a value that we can all unite around, as is the pursuit of truth at all costs and when it comes to the truth of our coexistence with those newcomers from other lands with other traditions, the truth of their fitness and compatibility with the great white tribe must come to light, if we do not point out that which we deem to be bad how can we ever expect these people to change and by doing so, put an end to all of the social problems caused by their mass arrival.
Preserving Culture
The values of the great white tribe must prevail, because our freedom loving, high tech and comfortable civilisation depends upon it, should these values be lost then all of humanity will be infinitely poorer for it. Not just in terms of GDP, but morally, spiritually, and technologically. The values that built the modern world must prevail and we must enforce them religiously or else succumb to race war in which one tribe murders, rapes and humiliates the others. The gains of enlightenment will be lost if we allow the further importation of unenlightened people into our ancestral homelands with all of the frictions that brings. If this means that GDP has got to go down and governmental spending be cut, then so be it. Life is more than a balance sheet; we do not worship the arbitrary creation of money but freedom instead.