Evil demands acceptance, good is self-evident, evil demands that you believe it to be true, whilst truth always stands alone, it is good because it is true.
This is how we know when we are in the presence of something evil, something ugly, like the recent controversy involving the bisexual colours being stitched into the home shirts of the England Football Team, the symbolism of which, Nike claims to be merely coincidental. Then there’s the Trans Day of visibility, as if trans people aren’t visible at any other times of the year, indeed I would go as far as to say that they have probably become the most visible of all of the alphabet people. They’ve become a comedy act in the long running variety show of outrage porn that proliferates the media cycles of the decaying West. Next in the line-up of the continual perma-crisis, the Union Flag is barstardised for the Paris Olympics and presented as a rainbow coloured and tapestried mess of dog sick, that we’re all supposed to applaud like clapping seals eagerly awaiting some fish, because evil demands that we celebrate it, whilst good simply goes about its business in the background, unrecognised and unseen!
The Union Flag, or the Union Jack (when used on ships) is a national symbol that is still held in high esteem by the majority population of these islands. This is amazing when you consider that for at least 80 years there’s been a political consensus dismissive of nationality, patriotism and borders that would rather that our flags didn’t exist. The post war fusion of open society pluralism, global economics and the emergence of cultural Marxism that predated wokeness, told our peoples not to like the flag and that we should instead, be ashamed of it, that it represents nothing good, that every foreign flag is not only preferable, but is something to be celebrated whenever we see them flying on our streets or above our civic buildings. I’m being deliberately mindful that the Flag of Pakistan has been hoisted above Westminster Abbey within the last week, just in time for Easter! The postwar politics of the west has always been self-hating, anti-nationalistic, down on patriotism or any expressions of national character, seeing them only as vice and never as virtue, because Britain has always been a home to the self-hating intellectual, who in the best traditions of shadow projectionists everywhere proclaim their virtues as private and their vices as public, or more correctly as belonging to the public.
We know that they lie, we know that they do not speak for us, we know that they are agents of destruction, and we know that they are cowardly people who will only speak for us, when the proverbial gun is held to their heads.
Against Mass Migration
The process of anti-nationalism’s marriage to economics was slow at first, accelerating gently through fields of labour shortages, free love, secular humanism, and freedom of movement, before merging on to the international highways of globalism, open borders, zero tariffs, and the infinite stupidity of politicians whose only answer to the pressing question of immigration and cultural assimilation never involve slowing down, but only ever speeding up! ‘We promise that we’ll brake before the next corner,’ said David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and Rishi Sunak before secretly putting their foot down on the road to cultural suicide and demographic replacement! Now that the car has crashed however, they stand unperturbed by the roadside, numbly looking at the bloodied and inert body of a once great nation being pulled from the wreckage and put on life support by paramedics, all of which were trained abroad. ‘If only we’d have gone faster, then this wouldn’t have happened,’ they mutter to one another, meanwhile the woke cultural purge continues in the background as all that was once deemed to be good and holy is replaced by the bad and the profane. Along the roadside another politician waits patiently for his turn at the wheel and he’ll have his turn no doubt, but whether he’ll be able to do anything with what’s left is debatable, but miracles can and do happen so we musn’t give up on the political process, but we can only give up on our present crop of leaders and select alternatives, being careful that we do not choose any controlled opposition. Our leaders are pulled by the invisible strings of the globalists paymasters thus we must select new politicians with no strings attached. Failing that spoil your vote, spoil your ballet, turn up and write ‘I do not consent,’ or ‘none of the above,’ as per your own personal preference. If enough of us do this so that alternative candidates are selected and the ‘none of the above,’ vote eclipses the votes for all others, then perhaps they’ll get the message, but I’m doubtful even of this…