I’m sure that General Sir Patrick Sanders who recently came up with idea of bolstering the armed forces by conscripting the youth of today thinks that the young men of modernity are fundamentally the same as they used to be when he was a young man, but psychologically that is not the case.
The general, having spent his life as a career soldier amongst a profession that is mostly male volunteers training to become professional soldiers can probably be forgiven for this and to be fair to him, this is not a new idea, it’s been mentioned a few times by different people in high office over the last few years, but for some strange reason the general’s comments have set the internet ablaze with lots of people from all walks of life saying that they think it’s ridiculous, downright stupid, insane even or in most cases that they don’t feel any loyalty to this country, none at all and that’s it’s not worth fighting for!
Toxic Masculinity
You see, today’s youth has been raised in a very gynocentric environment that has elevated female concerns and femininity over and above traditional masculinity. So, what do I mean by this? It’s simple, girls are favoured in schools because they sit still and tend to listen more than boys who are often disruptive when bored, teachers who are for the most part female don’t really understand how to handle this, they don’t know how to motivate boys and get their attention in class, so boys fall behind. The lack of men in the teaching environment is a natural consequence of any workplace that involves children having become naturally evermore hostile to men thanks in large part to the work of the media and modern feminist movements that are keen to show masculinity as toxic and men as predatory. Men don’t work in schools in the numbers that they should, not because they feel forced out, but simply because they aren’t invited in.
Society tends to take a dim view of any man who wants to work with children, despite the fact that one hundred years ago, nearly all of the teaching profession was male. When you combine this with the atomisation of adults in the UK and the West in general and diminishment of the nation state, the state sanctioned frowning upon of Patriotism, the result of the philosopher Karl Popper’s work – The Open Society and its Enemies – there’s no longer any sense of nation state or even a willingness to defend it. To most of its inhabitants that are under the age of fifty, the country is just a clump of land sticking out of the sea, a mere economic zone and not a host to their aspirations and dreams. The reason why people won’t fight for it, is because it’s not worth defending, it offers nothing but the free of charge chance to become a consumer slave in the technocratic fantasies of the World Economic Forum.
Ethnic differences
The internet is alive and well with indigenous white boys declaring that they won’t fight because they’ve been put at the back of the queue, can’t earn a good living, and have no real future here, they’d leave if they could. Likewise ethnic minority members have also taken to the airwaves stating more or less the same thing, there’s no future here for them and the country doesn’t deserve their blood on account of the fact that they’ve been told by the alt-right, the far right or just about anybody that they are not British, that they are foreigners and that they don’t belong here.
We’ve all seen the memes on Twitter of World War One soldiers going over the top so that migrants could have free housing in a hundred years’ time. This is what we’re fighting for lads, so that children can change gender at 4 but at 18 be declared too young to understand a student loan contract and thus weasel their way out of paying it. The internet is alive and well with pointed sarcasm, satire and some genuinely truthful barbs at the powers that be, and they deserve it, the internet has made gadfly’s of us all.
Meanwhile hordes of new migrants cross our borders to be put up in four-star hotels pending their processing into new British citizens or should I say, cheap labour and a free of charge chance to increase demand in the UK and henceforth push up the magic GDP line on the graph. Successive governments have sacrificed the entire nation to GDP, they don’t care about anybody, whether black, white, brown, gay, straight, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, jew or whatever, all that they care about is that the line goes up. Their God is the economy, and all things must be sacrificed to it. Our lives like burnt offerings are placed at the feet of the golden calf of the economy and in return it gives us nothing, the diminishing returns that we do get are always the result of the hard work of our ancestors. Homeownership for instance used to be a given thing that two people working hard could afford one modest mortgage, but that’s gone out of the window.
Splitting homes
I know people who are lucky enough to have a big house are now splitting it into multiple dwellings, not to rent it out, but so that their children can have a place to live, that two or three families can exist separated by plasterboard walls in a home originally meant for one. The youth of today are increasingly being priced out of all of the things that made life worth living, such as a night out at the pictures, a pleasant meal in a restaurant, the joy of car ownership and the freedom to travel without paying ULEZ fees on top of the exorbitant cost of petrol and so on, not to mention the sky rocking house prices, a bubble of inflation caused by the bank bailouts of 2008 combined with the deliberate policy of letting everybody who wants to cross the border become citizens. The government is giving away citizenship like confetti, if they don’t even value it, then why should we? Citizenship used to mean something, in our not to distant past, but now it means nothing. The world is globalised, and global Britain has invited the whole world to live within its borders not as an integrated happy people with shared values and a common optimism for a future that delivers for them that would allow them to do all of the things natural to human life, such as marriage and families but as competing hateful tribes, ready to kill each other over the result of a cricket match, balkanised identity politics writ large that magnifies differences and makes nobody the same.
The Failure of Liberalism
Aren’t we all just human beings, don’t we all just need the same thing? Isn’t that the liberal dream, the liberal promise? Liberalism has failed because it’s granted rights without demanding reciprocal responsibilities, or so says the New Right but I think it’s failed because it was nothing more than late-stage capitalism in disguise. The more rights you have, the more products can be marketed at you. The perfect storm is our present time of market failure, fake rights combined with a government that insists that we serve the economy when in actual fact the economy should be serving us. The economy is what happens when human beings interact with each other, when they integrate and trade with one another. It’s a byproduct of human activity, so now in this present age in which human activity is severely lacking or quietly diminishing no wonder it’s struggling, it’s on the backslide, it’s creaking and worse it will get should we become totally atomised eating the bugs, living in the pod connected permanently to a pair of VR goggles wandering a highly curated internet that is full of positive messaging designed to convince us that we’re not actually living in hell. That this in fact, is heaven. This is not a future worth fighting for, but worse yet our present isn’t a future worth fighting for because there’s a palpable sense that everything is falling apart.
Napolean would be laughing in his grave.
Napolean once said that Britain was a nation of Shop Keepers, but now high streets are closing across the country because everybody’s buying online or being dissuaded from ever visiting with parking tickets, exorbitant parking fees, ULEZ fines for just about everything and the free of charge chance of being mugged, sexually assaulted, or stabbed, policing being mostly absent. Nobody of any ethnicity or walk of life would go to war for this. If Putin invades, most people – 90% of those eligible would refuse the draft (according to one newspaper this morning) – they’d rather let him win and that’s because it’s hard to see how he could make a bigger mess of things than our present crop of WEF appointees and corporate lobbyists in office. It’s not that the government has failed to offer the young a future that is worth fighting for, but it’s the simple and rather obvious realisation that the present isn’t even worth fighting for, but who is really to blame for all of this? Well, the answer is obvious, and that is the cabal of elitist bankers that broke the world’s financial system in 2008. The dystopian hellscape that we’re living in today is a result of those massive bank bailouts saddling western nations with debt, and even more debt added since thanks to the funding of foriegn wars and the response to the viral outbreak of 2019-2020, but it all begins in 2008 with bank bailouts, angry masses and Occupy Wall Street. The economics started there and so did the politics…