“In intention, at any rate, the English intelligentsia are Europeanized. They take their cookery from Paris and their opinions from Moscow. In the general patriotism of the country they form a sort of island of dissident thought. England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution, from horse racing to suet puddings. It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during ‘God save the King’ than of stealing from a poor box. All through the critical years many left-wingers were chipping away at English morale, trying to spread an outlook that was sometimes squashily pacifist, sometimes violently pro-Russian, but always anti-British.” – George Orwell.
There’s a very old climate of discrimination doing the rounds folks in the UK, the ‘Establishment,’ made up of politicians, media types, civil servants and the chattering classes not only hate themselves, but they hate us too. They have a visceral hatred of the working classes, you really get the strong impression from them that the world would be a much better place if we’d just do as they say and simply not speak, suffer in silence or better yet, die quietly. We are the carbon that they want to reduce, let’s not forget!
We’ve known for a long time that we’ve been discriminated against, that we’re at the back of the queue for just about everything and made second class citizens in our own lands and dominium’s whilst simultaneously milked like cash cows for all that we’re worth, by a parasitical elite, a corrupt media class, a government of middle managers and those sneering intellectuals that infest our schools, colleges and universities, but we didn’t have a name for that hatred, but now we do and that name is Anglophobia
The word is Anglophobia, from the Latin ‘Anglus,’ ‘English’ and Greek ‘phobos,’ ‘fear’, refers to opposition, dislike, fear, hatred, oppression, persecution, and discrimination of English people and/or England, as well as its people, culture, influence and customs and so on.
Anyone that hates the English Flag, (the Cross of St George,) the Union Flag, the Scottish Saltire (St Andrews Cross,) the Irish Tricolour or the Red Dragon is an Anglophobe. Wales, Scotland, and Ireland are important parts of the Anglophile World, as are Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, to name but a few. Furthermore, many of our former colonies and dominions now spread across the world as independent states and nations are also part of the Anglosphere because they’ve adopted the common law traditions of these islands as their own. So, let us not confuse Anglophobia with anti-white racism, although there’s certainly an element of that within the public discourse, but rather we should understand that they hate all of us! They hate us because they deem us guilty by association.
Anglophobia is the name that we give to all of those who wish to destroy our traditional anglophile values, those who wish to remake literature and the arts with their sensitivity readers, those who care nothing for our remarkable politeness and etiquettes. Those that denigrate our love of Tea and are dismissive of our culinary tradition. Those that hate the countryside, our charming villages, pastoral landscapes, and historic monuments are Anglophobes; as are those that claim that they want to decolonise anything, countryside included! They are all Anglophobes, as are those that can’t stand being mocked, those who hate our humour, our love of irony, wit and satire are Anglophobic.
Those that wish to remake the rule of law, so that it disproportionately affects the majority populace who do not have ‘protected characteristics’ are Anglophobes as are those that would put themselves above the law and beyond its reach or corrupt our public institutions along the way, so that they are no longer fit for purpose, are Anglophobes all. Those that hate free speech and are censorious of public expression and debate are Anglophobes.
Two Tier Policing
In the present, the recent pro-Palestinian demonstrations have only gone to show that we have an Anglophobic police force that interprets the rules in the most favourable way possible for the establishments preferred clients of power whilst ruthlessly implementing them for the majority population who take issue to their beloved war memorials, the graves for the grave-less being desecrated by foreign men who do not know nor care for our ways.
It’s our word and we should use it as often as they use terms such as Islamophobic, Transphobic, racist, ‘far right,’ so that they can poison the debate and prevent the emergence of rational solutions to very real problems. We’ve gotten used to being insulted over the years, our sneering elites are happy to denounce and denigrate us whenever they can, so being called bad names won’t bother us in the least, but when the accusation is turned around and pointed right back at them by deeming them an ‘Anglophobe,’ they will be shaken, because it’s an accusation that they cannot shake.
This first came to my attention earlier on today when I came across a video by Paul Thorpe on the subject, it’s since been picked up by GB News, so let’s build on this head of steam and promote the use of this word and use it without mercy on those that would oppress us. We’re British, proud Anglophiles and submission is not in our national character.
Link to Paul Thorpe’s video here.